Douglas Eby · @douglaseby
74 followers · 191 posts · Server

No is a complete sentence.

Therapist Julie Bjelland asks "Do you feel guilty saying no?"

She notes:
"Highly Sensitive People often struggle to set boundaries and yet it is essential for our wellbeing.

"A lot of HSPs talk about how hard it is to say no.We worry about disappointing someone and feel guilty if we say no.

"While that makes sense, given how caring we are, the philosophy has some holes. Resentment grows out of not being able to say no.

"Do you struggle with disappointing people so it just feels easier to meet their needs and give up your own?

Her free class: How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Why it’s Essential for Wellness as an HSP

#healthyboundaries #hspboundaries #hspselfcare #hspthriving #highlysensitiveperson

Last updated 2 years ago

Lisa Quilty Hill · @Quilty
183 followers · 987 posts · Server

Yay for practicing healthy work boundaries. I was voluntold to attend a professional development meeting. Now the teachers contract hours ends at 4:00 however I am no longer paid at 3:35. Needless to say since this was a professional development, the speaker was going until 4:00. At 3:35 I leaned over to my teacher whispered goodbye and picked up my stuff and left.

#idontworkforfree #boundaries #healthyboundaries

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz · @mistymorningme
537 followers · 961 posts · Server

When you realize your need for peace is more important than your need to be liked, things begin to change.

#emotionalintelligence #healthyboundaries

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz · @mistymorningme
465 followers · 743 posts · Server

Can we please normalize ups and downs in every kind of relationship. We cannot always be working or striving for things to get or be better. Sometimes it’s ok to drift apart or to maintain the status quo. It doesn’t mean people don’t care deeply for each other. Sometimes we need space and/or some grace when we need to take a break.

#healthyrelationships #healthyboundaries #imperfectionisok

Last updated 2 years ago

GayDeceiver✨ · @GayDeceiver
766 followers · 3673 posts · Server

I used to have a coworker whose Random Drama Generator was always cranked to 11, and they weren't happy until they had transmitted their frustration (or anger).
I used to be the recipient.
Once I realized it, I'd listen but not react. I would ask questions that would lead to solutions, and I helped them think through solutions. They only grew more agitated.
They left me alone after their realized I wouldn't take their bait.

#viralrage #peaceatwork #healthyboundaries #drama #coworker

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheri Savage · @sugarcheri
152 followers · 364 posts · Server

Maybe it’s the Covid talking but I’m growing tired of seeing complaints about Musk & Twitter. You either left Twitter and came to Masto for a better experience, in which case why continually drag Elon’s trash into a healthy environment? Or you’re still over there on the bird app and only coming here to complain about it, which begs the question… why are you still there?

If it makes you unhappy, if it feels unwell, it’s time to cut the cord

#twittermigration #emotionalhealth #healthyboundaries

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheri Savage · @sugarcheri
70 followers · 94 posts · Server

Emotions aren’t a liability. Sometimes they tell you what hard evidence can’t. Trust your instinct. If something feels off, that's because it is.

#healthyboundaries #toxicrelationships #emotionalabuse #NarcissisticAbuse

Last updated 2 years ago