Read our briefing paper on the links between mental health and access to nature.
#mentalhealth #greenery #accesstonature #outdoors #urbandesign #socialjustice #smartcities #healthycities #equalityofaccess #communitygardens #greenurbanspaces #socialhorticulture #socialinclusion
#mentalhealth #greenery #accesstonature #outdoors #urbandesign #socialjustice #smartcities #healthycities #equalityofaccess #CommunityGardens #greenurbanspaces #socialhorticulture #socialinclusion
Bezuidenhout, a neighborhood in The Hague, has received the city's first bicycle/tree platform! With only five cars shared among 45 households, there's more room in the street for bikes and greenery. 🚲🌳 #LiveableCities #GreenCities #BikeFriendly #HealthyCities
#LiveableCities #greencities #bikefriendly #healthycities
Surten al rànking València, Castelló, Lleida, Tarragona i Barcelona. El resultat a Girona, en canvi, va donar copeta de rarafia havent dinat i a dormir la becaina. 😉 #HealthyCities
I live in the UK gripped by an anti-cycling culture war. These solutions are incredible. Will we have them here in my lifetime?
#https #bicycle #healthycities #urbanism
Group Mocksim are tasked with solving the problem of Paris’s number one eyesore, the Eifel Tower. 'Form-follows-function’ is crossed with an aesthetic most common in the outer zones of the capital of Europe’s, The ‘United’ Kingdom, namely PEBBLEDASH.
#architecture #homedesign #homebuild #homestyle #placemaking #towncentrefirst #15minutecities #healthycities #resilience #neighbourhoods #urbandesign #liveability #situationist #formfollowsfunction #finishthejob #eifel
#architecture #homedesign #homebuild #homestyle #placemaking #towncentrefirst #15minutecities #healthycities #resilience #neighbourhoods #urbandesign #Liveability #situationist #formfollowsfunction #finishthejob #eifel
#Introduction hi! i'm a #BostonMA resident interested in all things #UrbanEcology 🌻🌃
not sure yet how active i'll be here - but i want to follow folks talking about: #UrbanForestry, #Urbanism, #EnvironmentalJustice, #GreenJobs, #EnvironmentalSociology, #UrbanWildlife, #UrbanBiodiversity, #ParticipatoryScience, #UrbanHeat, #HealthyCities, #UrbanParks, #UrbanHistory, #UrbanPlanning, #Cities, #UrbanData, #RStats, #GIS, #Arboriculture, #Horticulture, #CreativeNonfiction, #Zines, #Music & more 🤗
#introduction #bostonma #urbanecology #urbanforestry #urbanism #environmentaljustice #greenjobs #environmentalsociology #urbanwildlife #urbanbiodiversity #participatoryscience #urbanheat #healthycities #urbanparks #urbanhistory #urbanplanning #cities #urbandata #rstats #gis #arboriculture #horticulture #creativenonfiction #zines #music
If you can, make your way down to Botanic Avenue in Belfast and support this event. #LiveableCities #HealthyCities #Belfast #Botanic #Pedestrianisation
BBC News - Botanic Avenue festival to trial pedestrianisation
#LiveableCities #healthycities #belfast #botanic #pedestrianisation