Speaking She

Scene: 53.
Counting the cattle will be an habit misplaced in the wide open .
Managing the flavours will bring to the little animals of the .
Nothing will be yet at all will be able to be found.
Sound in word is this consideration making .

#sdtps #arcane #space #bliss #fields #lost #nothing #light #manifestation #cryptic #predictive #hearer #treasures #hearertreasures #envisage #windowfriday #fensterfreitag #storytelling #peace #worldpeace #ai #nature #rvbd60

Last updated 2 years ago

Speaking She

Scene: 52.
Clamouring and shimmering will be in and no one will be in the least bit .
The day will mark the night with bells of fruit and the vessels will overflow with from the fields.
Be with all will be.

#sdtps #unison #afraid #sacred #nectar #ease #cryptic #predictive #hearer #treasures #hearertreasures #windowfriday #fensterfreitag #storytelling #peace #worldpeace #ai #nature #rvbd59

Last updated 2 years ago

Speaking She

Scene: 51.
Stranger will be the happenings in the cornfields when the wind starts to blow from the vertical right down into the surround.
Run they will to the nearby forests and up the sand dunes of the ocean .
The which will not open until the melting is in the cascading fall.

#sdtps #stranger #floor #door #moon #cryptic #predictive #hearer #treasures #hearertreasures #windowfriday #fensterfreitag #storytelling #peace #worldpeace #ai #nature #rvbd58

Last updated 2 years ago