Tech Singer · @techsinger
22 followers · 67 posts · Server

I posted, some hours ago, a request which, when you got down to the bare-bones of it, was for someone to spend two hours being bored for money. The URL is at the end of this post. I'm and have very bad hearing, and am trying to use a particular piece of software to set up hardware where the software cannot be read/navigated by any of the screen readers, even with OCR. I figured it would do no harm to ask for remote help, but also thought that request would be ignored. It was never going to be a huge amount of money, and I can think of quite a few more enjoyable ways to spend two hours which don't involve repeating oneself and explaining graphs/menu items/icons, then clicking on them to see what comes up and describing that. I would have been surprised to get even one reply. I am often wrong, but don't remember the last time I was so extravagantly and completely wrong. My problem now is that I can't thank all the people who have boosted the post individually because it would easily run over my instance's very generous character limit and because I'm not sure how to mention so many people in one post. I'll also need some time to get back to all the people who asked questions or offered to help, most of them for free, but I will definitely do that. To say that I'm grateful would be like saying the Pacific is slightly damp, or that Everest is a bit higher than sea level. Maybe this sort of thing is normal, Masto is the only social media I use, but all I can say is that it astonishes me. Thanks to everyone who boosted, replied with good wishes, and offered to help, I can't express how much I appreciate it. Thanks in particular to @devinprater for the first boost.

#blind #hearingimpaired #software #a11y #accessibility #remote

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Geo
52 followers · 602 posts · Server

@techsinger It's not weird at all. Unfortunately, my technology skills are lacking in that area, but I'm sure someone here will be able to help you.

#hearingimpaired #visuallyimpaired #accessibility

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech Singer · @techsinger
2 followers · 29 posts · Server

This is a weird request, but I figure the worst I can get for it is silence. I'm totally and have very bad hearing. To set up a device through its inaccessible software, I'm in need of a sighted person for about an hour and a half to two hours who can access a computer remotely, speaks and reads English, and can describe images and graphs. The person needs to be quite patient with follow-up questions, needs to be willing to repeat if needed, as well as be able to click on items and describe what happens on the screen. The person needs to be fairly detail oriented because some of the images appear to have arrows and other ways to expand them, according to the manual. Though I'm happy to be reasonable, I have no clue how much to offer as payment, this is my first request of this kind. I'm posting it because I know we have some blind people here who may be able to point me towards someone who has done this before and may be willing to do it for such a short period. Boosts welcome, indeed, they're appreciated.

#blind #hearingimpaired #software #a11y #accessibility #remote

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Kirkendall · @jkirkendall
648 followers · 1947 posts · Server

Underreported benefit of hearing aids: streaming Padam Padam straight to my ears and making every Saturday morning farmers market a Pride Parade. đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸ„ŠđŸ’ƒđŸ»

#hearingloss #hearingaids #hearingimpaired #padampadam

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephanie Ortoleva · @StephanieOrtoleva
62 followers · 149 posts · Server
C. · @cazabon
127 followers · 2421 posts · Server

5/20 That's all about my case. But I'm going to discuss the it has on me, and on others with hearing loss, because if you're not affected, you don't think about how many different effects it has on the .

#social #impact #hearingimpaired

Last updated 1 year ago

BoisterousBard · @boisterousbard
140 followers · 442 posts · Server
Jon Kirkendall · @jkirkendall
580 followers · 1728 posts · Server

Fun with Hearing Aids: My hearing aids play a little “wake up” tune in my ears when I put them in. After the little tune plays then - BAM- suddenly I’m part of the world of sound and there is noise.

If I time it right, I can synchronize the tune so that it happens at the same time.

If I time it JUST right I can get each hearing aid to play the tune just one note off, which goes me the sensation of bilateral stimulation.

Then, BAM, and noise.

#hearingaids #hearingimpaired #hearingloss

Last updated 1 year ago

RandomBaywatch · @RandomBaywatch
60 followers · 8186 posts · Server
Exceptional Puppeteers · @LizKanski
26 followers · 256 posts · Server
Karen B. Jones ☑ · @KarenBJones
46 followers · 208 posts · Server
Veera Laukkarinen · @mustikkasoppa
631 followers · 1215 posts · Server

Kuuntelin juuri 2,5 tunnin pituisen -podcastin.

Ei kuulosta kovin kummoiselta monen kuulevan mielestÀ, mutta minulle se on ihan hullu juttu. Ja vielÀkin jaksaa hÀmmÀstyttÀÀ.

Ei ole itsestÀÀnselvÀÀ, ettÀ syntymÀstÀ asti vaikeasti huonokuuloinen, eli lÀhes tÀysin kuuro pystyisi kuuntelemaan podcasteja niin, ettÀ ymmÀrtÀisi jokaisen sanan, jonka puhuja sanoo ÀÀneen.

SisÀkorvaistutteet ovat tehneet tÀstÀ mahdollisen ja olen vuosia harjoitellut kuuntelemista hurjan paljon juurikin Youtuben avulla.

#youtube #sisakorvaistute #cochlearimplant #hearingloss #hearingimpaired #huonokuuloinen #kuuro #deaf #deafblind #kuurosokea #kuulonakovammainen

Last updated 2 years ago

Veera Laukkarinen · @mustikkasoppa
624 followers · 1090 posts · Server

Eilen törmĂ€sin tĂ€hĂ€n artikkeliin jĂ€rkyttyneenĂ€. IkĂ€vĂ€ tapahtuma, mutta vielĂ€ enemmĂ€n jĂ€rkytyin siitĂ€, kun vielĂ€ tĂ€nĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ suuri lehtitalo kĂ€yttÀÀ termiĂ€ 'KUUROMYKKÄ'. Nopeasti tĂ€mĂ€n julkaisun jĂ€lkeen termit korjattiin ja siellĂ€ lukee nyt kuulovammainen ja kuuro.

Sellainen kommentti, ettÀ kun kirjoitat jotain artikkelia vammaisesta henkilöstÀ niin ole kiltti ja tarkista ennen julkaisua termistöjen oikeellisuus. KuuromykkÀ termi on ÀÀrimmÀisen loukkaava kuuroja ja kuulovammaisia kohtaan.


#kuuro #kuulovammainen #deaf #hearingimpaired

Last updated 2 years ago

Catalyzed · @CatalyzedTransmogrification
112 followers · 2193 posts · Server

I forgot my hearing aides at home...

(How can you do that? No one talks to me when I wake up, I forget I need to hear things.)

They are my headphones as well and I am sharing an office and I I keep hearing fucking keytaps and mouse clicks and I need to be hearing sweet tunes.

I have Panasonic Soundslayers with me but they aren't completely private.

Lame... Or more accurately


Last updated 2 years ago

Tone 🩋 · @Fivrelden
310 followers · 995 posts · Server


“It is impossible.
She doesn't understand a simple instruction.”

You shake your head, with a sour demeanour on your face.
You're really expressing your own feeling of inadequacy and helplessness,
as you don't know how to communicate with a young child that can not hear you
and that can not perceive what message it is you are trying to convey to her.


#deaf #deafawareness #hearingimpaired #spesped #spesialpedagogikk

Last updated 2 years ago

Sorry for the silence 2day. One of my IMploded and is stuck inside my middle ear.

Bad side is I’m now 100% in that ear and it hurts like a mofo. is also screwed up to 11 so that’s fun 😬.

Good side is that I get lots of drugs tomorrow when they remove the tube and save my . Also, don’t have to go to that meeting at work I was dreading đŸ€Ł

This is NOT the way I was hoping my hot fuzzy was going to penetrate me đŸ˜ąđŸ€Ł

#ear #tubes #deaf #tinnitus #eardrum #ent #hearingimpaired #hoh #surgery

Last updated 2 years ago

Biscotti · @Andradebiscotti
14 followers · 62 posts · Server

@Brodyberg couldn't agree more.


Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
76 followers · 775 posts · Server

I'm not sure how UK get away without an email support system.
The webchat system always seems to result in a phone call once you get past the chat-bots.
The phone calls are always with people with difficult to follow accents (possibly in India or South Africa).

How does this work for & people? These phone calls certainly increase my levels.

I'm not sure that UK are meeting standards for people.

Any thoughts?

#amazon #hearingimpaired #deaf #anxiety #accessibility #disabled

Last updated 2 years ago

DorisG · @DorisPeacock
108 followers · 917 posts · Server

Let's talk about captions on a screen, whether a TV, movie theater, or a Zoom call. Placement on the screen matters. Where are they easier for you to see?

#captions #deaf #hearingimpaired #hardofhearing

Last updated 2 years ago