This is one of those annoying gigs again.
#HearNewWorlds #materials #space #music
#hearnewworlds #materials #space #music
Sometimes though, things go wrong.
#HearNewWorlds #isolation #space #music
#hearnewworlds #isolation #space #music
The stars light our paths; it is up to us to dance along them.
#HearNewWorlds #satellite #space #music
#hearnewworlds #satellite #space #music
What drained color from this world? What dulled the starlight, smoothed out the rough edges, and banished sensation?
#HearNewWorlds #gray #world #drone
#hearnewworlds #gray #world #drone
They cause no harm to us, and nor us them.
#HearNewWorlds #shadow #world #music
#hearnewworlds #shadow #world #music
A visitor for a lonely little lost world.
#HearNewWorlds #lonely #world #music
#hearnewworlds #lonely #world #music
Now it is Nightwinter, a time for rest.
#HearNewWorlds #winter #world #music
#hearnewworlds #winter #world #music
While lost in your arms, your phantom limbs
Dark star, tonight I hope you hear my hymns
My words, whispered under bated breath:
"You are life at the very edge of death."
#HearNewWorlds #dark #star #music
#hearnewworlds #dark #star #music
I can't imagine what quirks in the rules of physicality exist in this dimension that would allow for such movement without destroying them, but it's hard to refute the evidence that I have found before me. Like a ball, each one ricochets off of some unseen boundary and each other, flying away before arcing back from whence they came.
The multiverse is wonderfully strange sometimes.
#HearNewWorlds #bouncing #planet #music
#hearnewworlds #bouncing #planet #music
There's no avoiding this universe; the only known way to hop to the destination one is by crossing this one first. But it's much easier said than done.
It's eating itself, tearing itself apart superclusters at a time to be consumed with unyielding appetite.
#HearNewWorlds #invisible #planet #music
#hearnewworlds #invisible #planet #music
There should be a planet here.
#HearNewWorlds #invisible #planet #music
#hearnewworlds #invisible #planet #music
If you like sunsets, this is definitely the world for you.
This world has over 17,000 of them in the course of a single day on your planet!
#HearNewWorlds #sunset #sunrise #music
#hearnewworlds #sunset #sunrise #music
I don't think I'll ever find a better spot for an afternoon nap!
Stone flows like water around them.
A perfectly choreographed dance millennia in the making, with untold eons of rehearsal, these planets spin in delicate yet precise orbits around their parent star. Their circles (thereabouts) are completed in amazingly speedy movements, the longest taking only three minutes. The interactions of each sphere create this dazzling show, each kept in their proper place with support from each other and the star.
Though I had to continue the conversation in the moment, I made sure to stay a little while longer later to turn the translator off and listen to the chorus around me, appreciating this amazing little detail that I'd nearly missed out on.
#HearNewWorlds #singing #world #music
#hearnewworlds #singing #world #music
The pitter-patter of thousands of tiny paws is their chorus of celebration for what comes next.
How could one hear that and think of anything but joy?
#HearNewWorlds #exploration #world #SoundDesign
#hearnewworlds #exploration #world #sounddesign
Some moments are their own eternity.
#HearNewWorlds #time #space #SoundDesign
#hearnewworlds #time #space #sounddesign
All that is new becomes old someday.
I may be the last to ever set eyes upon this little out-of-the-way world and see it for what it once was. It may be gone in the next moment, but for this one?
It lives for just a little while longer.
#HearNewWorlds #nostalgia #space #music
#hearnewworlds #nostalgia #space #music
A shining star amongst the velvet black.
It was one of the very first things I discovered when I started exploring the vastness of the multiverse, capturing my imagination for a long while: an immense sphere of diamond or some similar material, but hollow in the center and filled with what I could only describe as pure light.