#WhiteMaterial, 2009, directed by #ClaireDenis and starring #IsabelleHuppert is another look into the #HeartOfDarkness, this time that of the arrogance of #whiteDenial born of #whitePrivilege.
Marie chooses to ignore reality and believe she, her family, and their plantation will be safe even as a righteous reckoning closes in.
She clings desperately to what was never hers, and earns her just, brutal fate.
A tense, slow-burn of a #film on #TheCriterionChannel
#thecriterionchannel #Film #whiteprivilege #whitedenial #heartofdarkness #IsabelleHuppert #ClaireDenis #whitematerial
Schon seit gestern online aber Festivalbesuchbedingt heute erst der Tröt: eine wunderschöne neue Folge! Wir haben Plastikinstrumente für euch im Gepäck wenn wir uns an die #guitarhero Klampfen erinnern und #retro wird es auch in unserer Rubrik kennst du noch? Wo wir über #heartofdarkness reden und dabei nicht das Buch meinen. Ein bisschen Hass hat Hares auch dabei und dann ist alles zusammen was man so braucht! Also hört rein und viel Spaß! https://www.podcaster.de/simpleplayer/?id=channel~uqemfz~oneuppodcast&v=1630766252
#guitarhero #retro #heartofdarkness
25 ans pour le meilleur jeu d'Éric Chahi. #heartofdarkness
A faire absolument avec les lunettes 3D, évidemment.
Fart of Darkness
A man lets out a #fart so powerful that it blocks the rays of the sun and plunges a whole country into #darkness.
#fart #darkness #heartofdarkness #corruptedmovietitle
Who was Joseph Conrad and what is his influence on literature?
Check out this post on Conrad and his classic novella, Heart of Darkness: https://arthinkal.substack.com/p/on-joseph-conrad-and-the-heart-of
#josephconrad #literature #englishliterature #writer #novelist #heartofdarkness
#josephconrad #literature #englishliterature #writer #novelist #heartofdarkness
I read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad during my classics catch-up period in England during the late 1980s. While I remember little of the story, I recall being in awe of Conrad's evocative description of the steamboat journey up the forested Belgian Congo.
I am aware of the criticism of Conrad and the novel as racist. However, I was intrigued when I saw the audiobook version of Heart of Darkness "performed" by Kenneth Branagh (Audible Studios 2010). Would I still find the writing evocative? Or would the story be too racist?
The answer was yes to both for me. And while the derogatory description of African people and the abuse by their colonial overlords is repulsive, if I excised those parts of the book from my consciousness, I was still in awe of Conrad's writing.
One thing that struck me was that I couldn't tell where the protagonist Marlowe's sympathies lay. His generalisations are racist, though they could be said to be "of their time". But he also expresses disgust at the colonial brutality.
I'll leave this for others to debate. However, I don't regret revisiting The Heart of Darkness as an audiobook. And Branagh's "performance" had me relisten to it a second time.
#books #audiobooks #HeartOfDarkness #JosephConrad #KennethBranagh #Audible #AudibleStudios
#books #audiobooks #heartofdarkness #josephconrad #kennethbranagh #audible #audiblestudios
Turns out, I’m not even in the “Thank You”s for the European version of #HeartOfDarkness 😢
@RPGManor There‘s is always an alternative viewpoint, e. g. https://youtu.be/F5QFYNOsNac
Ok, ich glaube, die Leute verstehen, dass Du mit dem #AlienRPG ein Problem hast, es nicht sonderlich leiden kannst. Wir hatten unseren Spaß damit, würde es wieder spielen - auch #HeartofDarkness, evtl. angepasst. Enjoy.
For a time I would feel I belonged still to a world of straightforward facts; but the feeling would not last long. Something would turn up to scare it away
—Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
(📖 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/219/219-h/219-h.htm#link2H_4_0001 ) #JosephConrad #HeartOfDarkness #Books #Reading #Book #Literature #Quote #PostTruth #Truth
#josephconrad #heartofdarkness #books #reading #book #literature #quote #posttruth #truth
I don't like work – no man does – but I like what is in the work, – the chance to find yourself.
#JosephConrad (1857 – 1924)
#HeartOfDarkness, 1902
#heartofdarkness #josephconrad
I don't like work – no man does – but I like what is in the work, – the chance to find yourself.
#JosephConrad (1857 – 1924)
#HeartOfDarkness, 1902
#josephconrad #heartofdarkness
I don't like work – no man does – but I like what is in the work, – the chance to find yourself.
#JosephConrad (1857 – 1924)
#HeartOfDarkness, 1902
#josephconrad #heartofdarkness
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #PS1 #psx #FinalFantasyVIII #loaded #silenthill #DragonBall #Vigilante8 #heartofdarkness
#PS1 #psx #finalfantasyviii #loaded #silenthill #dragonball #vigilante8 #heartofdarkness
Really enjoying walking around Ho chi Min city. #vietnam #holidays #queerpunk #australian #heartofdarkness
#vietnam #holidays #queerpunk #australian #heartofdarkness
Ho comprato una nuova stilografica, una #twsbi Diamond, nettamente superiore alle entry-level che avevo fino ad ora.
L'ho caricata con inchiostro #noodlersink #HeartOfDarkness e la userò per studiare e per prendere appunti durante le interrogazioni dei miei allievi e delle mie allieve. La sensazione sulla carta è stupefacente.
Qualcuno qui usa penne stilografiche?
#twsbi #noodlersink #heartofdarkness #fountainpen
“The horror! The horror!”
- Heart of Darkness
#reflection #stateofmind #heartofdarkness #violence
Das Spiel war damals verdammt schwer, aber Gott wie ich dieses Intro alleine für seine Orchestermusik liebe. Und im Nachhinein betrachtet hat es sogar etwas vom Stranger Things Flair:
#heartofdarkness #dos #ps1 #retrogaming
I'm walking the Thames in bits. SE past Erith today and Conrad's sepulchral gloom never went away. Calm & continuity.
#ThamesPath #thamesloop #heartofdarkness #middleagedodyssey
#ThamesPath #thamesloop #heartofdarkness #middleagedodyssey
Beginner level jedi does not look within for the truth, the enemy is within #heartofdarkness #ConquerThyInnerTyrant #peace 😎✌️👊
#heartofdarkness #conquerthyinnertyrant #peace