Gizmodo: Actually, That AI Drake and The Weeknd Song Is Not Eligible for a Grammy #generativeartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #heartonmysleeve #harveymasonjr #grammyawards #travisscott #thegrammys #theweeknd #masonjr #grammys #chatgpt #spotify #grammy #tiktok #savage #drake #ofthe #ai
#generativeartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #heartonmysleeve #harveymasonjr #grammyawards #travisscott #thegrammys #theweeknd #masonjr #grammys #chatgpt #spotify #grammy #tiktok #savage #drake #ofthe #ai
Gizmodo: AI-Generated Drake and The Weeknd Song Submitted to the Grammys #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #heartonmysleeve #harveymasonjr #grammyawards #travisscott #thegrammys #theweeknd #masonjr #chatgpt #spotify #savage #grammy #tiktok #drake #ofthe #ai
#artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #heartonmysleeve #harveymasonjr #grammyawards #travisscott #thegrammys #theweeknd #masonjr #chatgpt #spotify #savage #grammy #tiktok #drake #ofthe #ai
Gizmodo: YouTube Says Its Music AI Incubator Will 'Protect' Artists #recordingindustryassociationofamerica #artificialintelligenceart #musicstreamingservice #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #technologyinternet #musicaiincubator #heartonmysleeve #contentidsystem #streamingmedia #luciangrainge #franksinatra #rosannecash #taylorswift #ryantedder #nealmohan #contentid #deepfake #youtube #protect #tencent #ai
#recordingindustryassociationofamerica #artificialintelligenceart #musicstreamingservice #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #technologyinternet #musicaiincubator #heartonmysleeve #contentidsystem #streamingmedia #luciangrainge #franksinatra #rosannecash #taylorswift #ryantedder #nealmohan #contentid #deepfake #youtube #protect #tencent #ai
Gizmodo: Google and Universal Music Discuss Making an AI Tool to Replicate Artists' Voices #applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativeartificialintelligence #musicandartificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #deepfakepornography #technologyinternet #computergraphics #warnermusicgroup #heartonmysleeve #gunnercookellp #specialeffects #rosieburbidge #identitytheft #paulmccartney #drake
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativeartificialintelligence #musicandartificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #deepfakepornography #technologyinternet #computergraphics #warnermusicgroup #heartonmysleeve #gunnercookellp #specialeffects #rosieburbidge #identitytheft #paulmccartney #drake
I just listened to #HeartOnMySleeve. It's crap, but it sounds like it could pass for contemporary pop music. So, that says more about the state of music than the state of technology.
Heart on My Sleeve is absolutely not an "original song." It is a derivative work.
Any machine translation (e.g. compiling) of a copyrighted work is a derivative work and has the same copy rights as the original.
Anything an AI produces is a derivative work of the training set. This song was made by an AI trained on Drake's songs, everything it produces is a derivative work.
"Heart on My Sleeve" is taking off on TikTok and Spotify. Is it a watershed for AI-generated music, a PR stunt, or something else?
#Technews #heartonmysleeve #AI #ghostwriter #TikTok #Drake #TheWeeknd #worldnews
#technews #heartonmysleeve #ai #ghostwriter #tiktok #Drake #theweeknd #worldnews