Today’s #training:
80 minutes #EasyRun (6:40-6:50/km), trying to keep #HeartRate down in #HF zone 2
+ #RunBackHome
#running #run #laufen #corsa #fitness #health #Strava #HealthFit #AppleWatch
#training #easyrun #heartrate #hf #runbackhome #running #run #laufen #corsa #fitness #health #strava #healthfit #AppleWatch
Long CoVid Speaking and Swallowing Problems:
CoVid viruses can damage the vagus nerve, critical for speaking, swallowing, proper digestion, and control of heart rate. #CoVid #vagus #speaking #swallowing #heartrate #digestion
#COVID #vagus #speaking #swallowing #heartrate #digestion
I am now officially into the speed work intervals block of half-marathon prep. Steady state is so ... April.
(That's HR, btw).
#running #intervals #heartrate #speedwork #halfmarathon
Heart beating fast and strong
Anxiety rushes in strong
Mice can sense it all
#anxiety #heartrate #mice #haiku #poetry
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Artificially speeding up a mouse's #heartrate found to increase #anxiety symptoms @nature
So Garmin default settings have #zone2 #training at 60-70% of your #HeartRate (#HR) while Dr. Attia has it at 70-80% and Dr. Luks has it at 65-75%. This will be so much fun for everyone who has no lactate meter available and still wants to know what their #mitochondria are up to.
#zone2 #training #heartrate #hr #mitochondria
How to fix your #Apple #Watch #heartrate #monitor when it's not working consistently
#apple #watch #heartrate #monitor
The #biofeedback #Heartrate variability app for the #Oculus quest is now on the Oculus App Lab: Vasso presents it and shows you how to use deep breathing to de-stress by watching the seaside animation as feedback.
#biofeedback #heartrate #oculus
In the future, #wearables will take over the monitoring of body functions as well as record clinical symptoms. These parameters include #heartRate and variability, #bodyTemperature, #bloodOxygen levels, #respirationRate and the concentration of metabolites such as #glucose. Thus, health management of one's body becomes possible, as well as monitoring of endogenous infections. A new review on the topic has been published in #mdpiBiosensors.
#wearables #heartrate #bodytemperature #bloodoxygen #respirationrate #glucose #mdpibiosensors
Video demonstrating how and why those red and green LEDs measure heart rate and SpO2, and why they need to flash
#health #heartrate #smartwatch #spo2 #technology
I’m doing a lot of monitoring and logging health data right now, including little at-home “tilt tests”.
On this heart rate chart can you spot where I got up and stood quietly for five minutes this morning?
#HeartRate #POTS #MECFS #ChronicIllness #Disability #NEISvoid #FitBit #Spoonie
#heartrate #pots #mecfs #chronicillness #disability #NEISvoid #fitbit #spoonie
When people meet for the first time, and are attracted to each other, their heart rates synchronize.
#science #sciencefacts #attractions #heartrate #synchronize
Ok, because a new friend of mine is a real believer in talking about #health issues in case someone has the answer, I’m going to give it a shot in case someone here has already found an answer to this (#sleepmedicine has not so far): have you had #heartracing wake you from #remsleep ? Been able to lower your #heartrate during sleep? Please share if so!
#health #sleepmedicine #heartracing #REMSleep #heartrate
There's a new monitoring app called Visible (in beta) that is "designed specifically for people living with Long Covid and ME/CFS." It uses phone's camera to measure heart rate & heart rate variability. Website:
I haven't used it myself but a group of folks have been discussing it on the #Science4ME forum since before the beta launch:
#science4me #mecfs #LongCovid #chronicillness #hrv #heartrate #pacing
7 Types of Low Impact #Cardio You Can Use to Boost Your #HeartRate Without Joint Pain
Zgłosiłem problem z pulsometrem #garmin, dostałem od sprzedawcy nówkę.
W międzyczasie przypomniałem sobie o innym chińskim #magene, który miał zepsutą opaskę - te guziczki zatrzaski się urwały.
Kupiłem nową i.. działa 🫣 dobrze mieć jakąś alternatywę. Co ciekawe, sam już o tym pisałem 🤣
#garmin #magene #rower #heartrate #sensor #cycling #cyclingmastodon
“In relation to #cycling we can define #fitness as our ability to stand up to a given physical task or our durability to sustain an effort over time”
“great way to track fitness over time is to measure your #heartrate relative to your power data” #HRM
“most basic way to measure your improvement is simply rate of perceived exertion” #RPE
“seeking and tracking improvement is a means of motivation. Don’t let it overwhelm your love for riding” 🚴♀️ 🚴♂️ 🚴 #performance #training
#Training #performance #rpe #hrm #heartrate #fitness #cycling
“In relation to #cycling we can define #fitness as our ability to stand up to a given physical task or our durability to sustain an effort over time”
“A great way to track fitness over time is to measure your #heartrate relative to your power data” #HRM
“most basic way to measure your improvement is simply rate of perceived exertion” #RPE
How to measure improvement on the bike 🚴♀️ 🚴♂️ 🚴 #performance #training
#Training #performance #rpe #hrm #heartrate #fitness #cycling
pretty sure that grinding allspice berries with a mortar and pestle counts as my cardio for today. #Baking #HeartRate #Exercise