@rossignol I will always have a great love for the #HeartRPG book. It's beautiful, the info is well structured, the wiring is superb.
I'm also looking forward to getting #TriangleAgency and #TheLastCaravan in the mail, but it's too early to call them favourite books, of course!
#heartrpg #triangleagency #thelastcaravan
@Morgunin Ganz klar #HeartRPG, bei dem du neue Fähigkeiten bekommst, wenn du in der Geschichte den "Story Beat" erlebst, den du dir selber vorgenommen hast. Perfekte Mechanik um der Leitung das Leben leichter zu machen und den Spielenden das zu geben, worauf sie Bock haben.
"Ich will jemanden verraten, der mir vertraut, das passt zu meinen Char!"
"Okay, sobald du das schaffst kannst du deine neue Fähigkeit auswählen."
Ähnlich in #SpireRPG!
@epidiah Story beats in #HeartRPG. The player chooses a thing they think would be cool for their character to experience, like "kick someone off a tall building" or "betray someone who relies on you".
GM has this from all players, so they can easily come up with an adventure around this. Brilliant!
@hachx0 My four favourite RPGs are
- #HeartRPG for body horror dungeon crawls where players choose story beats that tell the GM exactly what they want from the story
- #Starforged has moves that make each action propel the story
- #QuestRPG is easy to pick up, has evocative abilities and a super friendly tone.
- #BladesInTheDark has a rich world and a brilliant system of flashbacks
All those are very different from DnD, mind.
#heartrpg #starforged #questrpg #bladesinthedark
In all truth, I think I should stop buying #TTRPG books, I have all I need to play all the sessions I can realistically fit into my life.
#HeartRPG for the body horror and story beats
#QuestRPG for the ease of entry and joyfulness of it
#IronswornStarforged for the oracles and evocative moves.
#BladesInTheDark for the gamey progression of the gang and flashbacks
I own many more very cool systems (Mausritter, Wanderhome and Fate come to mind), but those 4 are very close to my heart.
#ttrpg #heartrpg #questrpg #ironswornstarforged #bladesinthedark
This is a great #HeartRPG setting!
Greetings everyone, just taking a moment to introduce myself, Im Jeff, a clinical psych grad student, a veteran, a tabletop gamer and a cook. #neurodiversesquad #startrekadventures #dungeons&dragons #adhd #alaska #spirerpg #heartrpg #gradstudent
#neurodiversesquad #startrekadventures #dungeons #adhd #alaska #spirerpg #heartrpg #gradstudent