Michael Moore credits this film for inspiring him to become a filmmaker
Hearts and Minds (film)
1974 American documentary film directed by Peter Davis
#HeartsAndMinds #VietnamWar #documentary
#Documentary #vietnamwar #heartsandminds
Michael Moore credits this film for inspiring him to become a filmmaker
Hearts and Minds (film)
1974 American documentary film directed by Peter Davis
#HeartsAndMinds #VietnamWar #documentary
#Documentary #vietnamwar #heartsandminds
Rocking the new #yogasocks #yoga #wellbeing #heartsandminds #meditation #allthegearnoidea
#yogasocks #Yoga #wellbeing #heartsandminds #meditation #allthegearnoidea
I managed to sneak in another game - #HeartsandMinds from #CompassGames . IMHO it is a great design. It has beautiful map. And I think that it manages to capture the essence of the Vietnam war really well. VC ambushes, US mobility and a lot more.
Rules are easy to teach and it plays fast. I have seen the Ken Burns documentary and lot of events from it are on the cards, so if you are interested, you can also learn something from the history.
One question remains. Should I buy #FireInTheLake ?🤔
#heartsandminds #compassgames #fireinthelake
#Ukraine is the most popular war of my lifetime; #NATO the most popular conqueror/imperial force. #successfulPretexts #heartsAndMinds #publicRelations #popularDevastation #miltaryWelfare #concoctedProxywar #subsidizedDeath #oilAndGas #hypersonic #HACM #NGI #testingGround #northrop #raytheon #lockheed #zelenskyy photo via Guyer at @Vox
#ukraine #nato #successfulpretexts #heartsandminds #publicrelations #populardevastation #miltarywelfare #subsidizeddeath #oilandgas #hypersonic #hacm #ngi #testingground #northrop #raytheon #lockheed #zelenskyy #concoctedproxywar
#PodcastMovement #podcasting20 (My) Day#1 Recap: @adam and @dave made it look effortless. Adam laid the motivational groundwork and vision for PC2.0. Dave casually, and effectively, delivered the tapestry of his 2,112 slides ;) telling the complementary tale of listeners, podcasters, hosts, apps and industry linked by a common fabric of the Podcast Namespace, with time to spare. #heartsandminds #groundgame #ligntningInABottle It really was brilliant.
#PodcastMovement #podcasting20 #heartsandminds #groundgame #ligntningInABottle