Visto che ne abbiamo parlato in LIVE e che potremmo pure giocarlo, ecco una panoramica di Heart: The City Beneath
#gdr #gdritalia #heartthecitybeneath #heart #spire
#gdr #gdritalia #heartthecitybeneath #heart #Spire
Meine #OSR Sammlung hat Zuwachs bekommen. Ein tolles #weirdfantasy Setting, das mich irgendwie an den #Spire Ableger #HeartTheCityBeneath erinnert.
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#osr #weirdfantasy #Spire #heartthecitybeneath #CY_BORG
Picked up the PDFs for Heart: The City Beneath last night from and have been reading the core book throughout the day.
I've only had one short-lived #TTRPG experience over a decade ago in college, but I've been listening to some actual play's and #friendsatthetable's Sangfielle season *really* made me want to give it a go. Hoping I can rope some friends into bearing with me while I give GMing a shot.
#ttrpg #friendsatthetable #heartthecitybeneath
@Riley #HearttheCityBeneath is on our short list to play! We mostly play in #QuestRPG which isn't on your list, but we'd be thrilled to have you come play with us!
#heartthecitybeneath #QuestRPG