Numerically solving the Heat Equation with two Sources
It looks like it's behaving now ..
It was the logarithmic color map that made the tiny horizontal &vertical head start look out of proportion.
#heatequation #creativecoding #physicssimulation
What happens if we allow the color component to #diffuse out of the #MonaLisa?
In this experiment, the #pixels of the Mona Lisa supply us with initial #RGB color component values, ranging from 0 to 255 (256 possible states for each component, for each pixel, at time t = 0).
We then allow the red color component to diffuse out, according to the #HeatEquation, ∆u = ∂u/∂t; we step forward in time, solving for all color component values u, at each spatial location (x, y) in the painting 🖼 (along the edges of the painting, color components are held constant, so that we have a well-defined boundary value problem).
We can see here what happens to the image as the red component diffuses out.
#diffuse #monalisa #Pixels #RGB #heatequation
The True Meaning Of The #Schrödinger #Equation
- Is the #SchrodingerEquation really a #Wave Equation? Or is it something else entirely?
#Science #Physics #Math #Maths #Mathematics #WaveMathematics #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #QM #SchrödingerEquation #Schrodinger #Newton #Acceleration #RestoringForce #Equilibrium #HeatDissipation #HarmonicOscillator #Heat #HeatEquation #Probability
#probability #heatequation #heat #harmonicoscillator #heatdissipation #equilibrium #restoringforce #acceleration #newton #qm #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #wavemathematics #mathematics #maths #math #physics #science #wave #schrodingerequation #equation #schrodinger
The #HeatEquation (left) and #LaplaceEquation (right) solved under the same boundary conditions over a square plate. Over time, the solution to the #HeatEquation approaches that of the #LaplaceEquation - in this case, giving the steady-state temperature distribution at each interior point of a square plate whose adjacent edges are held either at 100 degrees C or 0 degrees C (blue shows colder regions; red shows hotter regions; the plate is insulated so that heat does not escape).
#PDEs #math
#heatequation #laplaceequation #pdes #math
Three edges of an insulated metal plate are kept constant at 0 degrees #Celsius while a fourth edge is held at 100 degrees. 🌡
The #LaplaceEquation in 2 spatial dimensions gives the steady-state temperature distribution at all points within the plate under these conditions. Blue corresponds to cool temperatures, red corresponds to hot temperatures, and shades of green and yellow correspond to intermediate temperatures.
#PartialDifferentialEquations #HeatEquation #Elliptic #Math
#Celsius #laplaceequation #partialdifferentialequations #heatequation #Elliptic #math
The #HeatEquation in 2 spatial dimensions. Three edges of an (insulated!) rectangular plate are held at 0 degrees #Celsius, while the fourth edge is held at 100 degrees.🌡 The plate is initially 0 degrees throughout.
The #LaplaceEquation (depicted below the animated time-dependent solution) gives the steady-state temperature distribution within the plate, which the time-dependent solution approaches. 🍿🥤
#heatequation #Celsius #laplaceequation #partialdifferentialequations