And the third of recent papers published! No link this time but happy to send eprint to anybody that is interested.
#energy #HeatExchanger #modelling #dynamics #PowerGeneration #nuclear #fusion
#fusion #nuclear #powergeneration #dynamics #modelling #heatexchanger #energy
Installed #homeassistant yesterday in docker. Very easy. Now let's see if I can fire up #mttq and get some #airquality readings in there. Bought a #wioterminal to play with and a dustsensor because I've installed a home-made #heatexchanger to ventilate the room
#iot fun
#homeassistant #mttq #airquality #WioTerminal #heatexchanger #iot
Big Chemistry: Liquefied Natural Gas #liquefiednaturalgas #regasification #CurrentEvents #heatexchanger #liquefaction #Engineering #OriginalArt #cryogenic #Featured #methane #energy #LNG
#liquefiednaturalgas #regasification #CurrentEvents #heatexchanger #liquefaction #engineering #OriginalArt #cryogenic #Featured #methane #energy #lng
Big Chemistry: Liquefied Natural Gas - The topic of energy has been top-of-mind for us since the first of our ancestors c... - #liquefiednaturalgas #regasification #currentevents #heatexchanger #liquefaction #engineering #originalart #cryogenic #featured #methane #energy #lng
#lng #energy #methane #featured #cryogenic #originalart #engineering #liquefaction #heatexchanger #currentevents #regasification #liquefiednaturalgas
This homemade #heatexchanger #ventilation I like most.
I think I will use wood in stead of 3d printed plastic
3D Printed Heat Exchanger Uses Gyroid Infill For Cooling - 3D printing allows the physical manufacturing of some unique geometries that are s... - #powderbedprinter #metal3dprinting #3dprinterhacks #heatexchanger
#heatexchanger #3dprinterhacks #metal3dprinting #powderbedprinter
3D Printed Heat Exchanger Uses Gyroid Infill For Cooling
#powderbedprinter #metal3dprinting #3dPrinterhacks #heatexchanger
#powderbedprinter #metal3dprinting #3dPrinterhacks #heatexchanger