#heathens4future #heathenry #paganism #environmentalism #ClimateAction #FridaysForFuture
We came
We drank
We performed rituals
We bought merch
...and still we have a whole day left to go!
The annual gathering for Asatru UK has been a blast - accompanied by gorgeous, sunny weather and family-friendly fun (with a smattering of raucousness and swears).
#thunorsmoot #asatruuk #heathenry #nordicanimism #aun2023
For those inclined, it's the 9th of the month, which means Odin World Prayer day.
Get your Blót on!
#odinworldprayerday #heathenry
Happy Allfather's Day. #allfather #norsepolytheism #norsepagan #heathenry
#allfather #norsepolytheism #NorsePagan #heathenry
So last year while Extremely sick and stressed, I had a VERY clear #dream of Norse!Loki in these blue and yellow water wings, at a water park, telling me to Relax Dammit!
No spoons to paint it until now. I attempted to capture both the Significance and Whimsy~ 🥰
#NorseLoki #NorseMythology #Lokean #Heathenry #Pagan #Art #Art #DigitalArt #Loki
#dream #norseloki #norsemythology #lokean #heathenry #pagan #art #digitalart #loki
Hear ye, hear ye, let me tell you how the mighty God Thor came to be.
It was at a time when the remnants of Ymir were scattered and formed the realm known as Midgard. The Trees were growing, the rivers flowing.
Three brothers even formed the first humans out of two types of wood they found in the sand.
And then there was Jörd. Her Hair was like reed, her body full and fertile. Her personality rich and and wild like the landscape around her.
Jörd gave birth to her first and only son and she gave him the name of Thor. Soon he'd join the oldest of the three brothers into Asgard, but until that, he was raised by his mother.
Thor grew up in relative proximity to the humans, which he always observed, trying to understand them.
He saw, that they were plagued by devastating storms, high waves and tides, rock slides and other catastrophies.
Reason for these catastrophies were the Giants, forceful and uncontrollable at that time, sweeping over the land of men.
Young Thor had pity for the mortals, seeing them suffer from the endless amounts of water raining down and mudding and drowning the seed, the waves taking the fishers and amber collectors with them.
It was not long, when he challenged one of them, the Giant named Rigna. For a moment, he was not occupied with letting it rain on the people and the sky cleared and humankind had some relief.
This motivated Thor. In his youthful openness to risk, he charged and tackled Rigna, both falling to the ground, creating an earthquake strong enough to make mountains shiver of fear of breaking apart.
But Thor knew that rain was important to the people and their crops so he withdrew and weakened, the Rain-Giant only gave moderate amounts of the precious drops to the earth.
Thor understood. To bring a balance to the rain and other weathers, he'd have to fight the responsible Giant again and again, weakening them in consequence.
Young Thor did not knew yet, that this could also mean that the Giants could also overwhelm him, still inflicting damage to the lives and possessions of men.
But for the moment the chaotic nature of the Giants were contained. And the young God had found his main task:
protecting humankind and regulating the natural forces to make them blessings instead of catastrophies.
So he'd do it not only with the rain, but also with the sea, the air, the soil and the fire. As best as he was able.
#heathenry #polytheism #thor #mythology
By way of introduction, I am a curmudgeonly old sod of 49 years, living in Bolton, Greater Manchester. I work full time but try to spend the remaining hours of my own in the best way I can imagine. This usually involves quality time with my wife and daughter.
My interests are:
#heavymetal of all kinds, #goth, #punk, #blues )
#fieldsofthenephilim (my favourite band)
#heavymetal #goth #punk #blues #heathenry #norsemythology #animism #environmentalism #fieldsofthenephilim #books #sciencefiction #horror #fantasy #cthulhu
I wish y'all a wonderful weekend, Shabbat Shalom or a good fast breaking (when the sun went down of course).
(totally went crazy with the image description :D)
#InclusiveHeathenry #heathenry
My husband’s Lenape and his totem is the wolf. So, this video reminds me of him and I when we first met, lol
#Magick #ChaosMagick #Occult #Pagan #Discordian #pagan #paganism #polytheism #chaosmagic #discord #astrology #chaosmagic #divination #witchcraft #witch #magick #sigil #sigils #sigilbomb #occultism #tarotcards #astrology #occulture #Magick #Occult #SigilMagick #heathenry #dkmu
#magick #chaosmagick #occult #pagan #Discordian #paganism #polytheism #chaosmagic #discord #astrology #divination #witchcraft #witch #sigil #sigils #sigilbomb #occultism #tarotcards #occulture #sigilmagick #heathenry #DKMU
Sing me your galdrar
Glad of War
Stomp the beat
With the butt of your spear
Tonight I wear the wolf skin
Earth and sweat in my nose
The pack and I are one
Tooth and claw and wild grin
We howl to your tune
Shields in our teeth
Let the madness come
As swift as victory
Sing us your galdrar
War Father
We whine at your heels
Weapons waiting for your hand
Release us on your enemies
Foaming lips and feral eyes
We are frenzy made flesh
Taught muscles like bowstrings
The fog of war thick in our heads
Thick hides on our backs
We howl through your dance
Your songs build our rage
Sing us your galdrar
Battle Wolf
Nothing can touch us
Not fire not iron not fear
The link to my blog post which hosts the pome: https://thunderwitchofthewoods.wordpress.com/2023/03/10/ulfhednar/
#paganism #pagan #paganpoetry #paganpoem #norse #norsepagan #norsewitch #heathen #heathenry #heathensofmastodon #Ulfheðnar #witch #witchy #witchcraft #Odin
#paganism #Pagan #paganpoetry #paganpoem #Norse #NorsePagan #NorseWitch #heathen #heathenry #heathensofmastodon #ulfhednar #witch #witchy #witchcraft #odin
Holy Moly, no suprise pagan subreddits are so weird, the Gods cannot "leave" you or choose to end a religious relationship.
They give, We offer in thanks, they receive the offering.
That's it.
There is no consent needed from the Gods side.
(would love to know if it's weird to say that the Gods are "there to be worshipped" so they can neither consent nor not consent to me worshipping them.
#HeathensOfMastodon #Heathenry #PaganTheology #Theology.
#heathensofmastodon #heathenry #PaganTheology #theology
a person from a Heathen subreddit shared these questions and maybe they are good for all of us to reflect:
" - Are women being credited for their work in heathen spaces and given equal opportunity to for leadership roles?
- Are women in leadership roles or as general members made to feel welcome or are they burning out faster?
- Are women in heathen spaces playing a part in decision making or are they only doing admin work or catering?
- Are heathen podcasts and media channels only men interviewing other men
- Are women’s heathen views finding more aggressive challenges and microaggressions than when men share the same perspectives?
- Are women and goddess valued for the many parts of their life and personality than only focus being on ‘motherhood’ and being judged as ‘biological value’ alone?
- Do childless women in heathen spaces have choice to talk or hear about their gender without it ending with the push for them to become mothers?
- For women who are mothers, are heathen spaces working around their childcare needs during gatherings or worship expectations with their partner or for those who are single? Nursery, spare child care items, nappy changing facilities, period products in bathrooms, activities for children at gatherings
- Are we venerating women from history for all their deeds and roles not only the birthing part ? Are we recognising many women over history were forced into giving birth and motherhood (kidnappings, forced marriages, rape, no abortion access)
- Are women free to worship any god than restricted to only being allowed to worship hyper feminine goddesses? Are we only recommending goddesses for women when they may prefer to also worship or hear about gods who are portrayed as men. Are we shaming men in any way for worshipping goddesses?
- Is any heathen text or book promoting anti women hate or sexism? Do we challenge and debate the sexism in past text and new? Does any heathen material promote the idea that ‘feminine traits are passive or weaker or shameful’? For all genders reading them
- Are we putting out statues of goddesses and disir that reflect diversity of women’s looks and body shapes? (We acknowledge the same body image issues for men on body shape and aging too this can cross over)
- Are we excluding or making life harder for BIPOC women, LBQT+ women in heathen spaces? Are heathen women group’s diverse in leadership?
- Are there protections against harassment and being able to be believed if abuse is reported in heathen spaces? Can all genders and ages report abuse"
#feminism #heathenry #pagan
The way r/Heathenry is overwhelmingly in favor of using books written by Nazis "as long as they don't have a bad message in them"...
To this day #Heathenry is flat-out racist and I'm fucking sick of it.
A Poem for Freyja
Your voice so smooth
Pulls me awake
From the depths of dreams
The bottom of a lake
Your golden tears
Restore my second sight
Through the groves of dark bramble
I see Brísingamen’s light
Through that darkness
When stillness holds my name
You guide my vision
Igniting the flame
Magic and power
Your wisdom awakens
A rushing stream
My soul shaken
Drowning my old form
Emerging something new
Shedding this skin
Into what you always knew
Great Lady
In thanks I give
Gifts of honey and amber
A new life to live
Blog post here: https://thunderwitchofthewoods.wordpress.com/2023/02/24/a-poem-for-freyja/
#freyja #pagan #pagansofmastadon #paganism #norse #norsepagan #norsewitch #witch #witchesofmastodon #witchcraft #poetry #poem #poems #paganpoetry #polytheist #polytheism #polytheistic #heathen #heathenry #heathensofmastodon
#freyja #Pagan #pagansofmastadon #paganism #Norse #NorsePagan #NorseWitch #witch #witchesofmastodon #witchcraft #poetry #poem #poems #paganpoetry #polytheist #polytheism #Polytheistic #heathen #heathenry #heathensofmastodon
New Post at Substack: http://ebvs.substack.com
#Viking #heathenry #wokeculture #heathen #woke
New Post at Substack: http://ebvs.substack.com
#viking #heathenry #wokeculture #heathen #woke
so I thought about the custom of hanging a troll cross above the door. It is meant to prevent trolls, evil spirits and curses/ illnesses from entering the home.
Hanging the cross on the inside of your flat would mean that it keeps the bad things in by preventing it from leaving the door since trolls are used to avoid iron.
Hanging it on the outside on the other hand brings the wished results.
#heathenry #norsepaganism #FolkMagic #folkbelief
:drake_dislike: Astrology
:drake_like: Birth Runes
My birth rune is the Þorn, what's yours?
Would you ever perform a ritual written by an artificial intelligence?
#Paganism #PagansOfMastodon #Pagan #Druidry #Druids #Heathenry #Wicca #Wiccans
#paganism #pagansofmastodon #pagan #druidry #druids #heathenry #wicca #wiccans