Getting an #SWR of 1.3 on the #dumbbell #antenna today on 15m (first band tested).
#Heathkit SA-2040 tuner with a #flexradio 6000 series SDR. Very suburban setting maybe 15 feet above concrete ground. Hearing lots of signals on 15m, trying other bands next!
#FlexRadio #heathkit #antenna #dumbbell #swr
A Dusty Boat Anchor Back From The Brink - Many of us will have found dusty forgotten pieces of electronics and nursed them b... - #linearamplifier #repairhacks #radiohacks #hamradio #heathkit
#heathkit #hamradio #radiohacks #repairhacks #linearamplifier
Magnetic Bubble Memory Brought to Life on Heathkit - There are all kinds of technology that appear through the ages that find immediate... - #retrocomputing #bubblememory #intel8080 #heathkit #magnetic #h8
#h8 #magnetic #heathkit #intel8080 #bubblememory #retrocomputing
J'ai reçu le nouveau filtre secteur et je l'ai mis à la place de l'ancien, en changeant au passage quelques câbles qui étaient trop courts. Une des 2 vis qui tient la prise est cassée (je m'en occuperai plus tard).
J'ai essayé d'allumer la bête, le CPU semble démarrer (j'ai des bips au clavier) mais rien côté vidéo.
Je vois que la tension qui alimente cette partie s'écroule, je pense que c'est le pont de diode qui pose problème : je verrai ça demain !
#retrocomputing #heathkit H19
I guess I've been doing this computer thing for a while. #heathkit #h8 #computer #microcomputer #8080 #software #nostalgia #cassette #storage #geek
#geek #storage #cassette #nostalgia #Software #microcomputer #Computer #H8 #heathkit
The GC-1000 attached to the 80M doublet can *hear* WWV just fine right now, and is trying like hell to lock onto the data signal, but not quite getting there. I think it's going to need a complete recapping and realignment before it's back to fully functional.
Anyone have interest in a rebuild thread when I get around to doing that?
The GC-1000 attached to the 80M doublet can *hear* WWV just fine right now, and is trying like hell to lock onto the data signal, but not quite getting there. I think it's going to need a complete recapping and realignment before it's back to fully functional.
Anyone have interest in a rebuild thread when I get around to doing that?
Et voici un magnifique terminal Heathkit H19 (il allait avec un ordinateur Heathkit H8 mais je n'ai pas remporté cette enchère), je ne sais pas si il fonctionne mais en tout cas il est en très bel état. Il permet de faire du VT52 et du VT100, il va vraiment falloir que je me mette en quête d'un ordinateur avec un bus S-100 pour aller au bout !
Cela dit j'ai aussi mon PDP-11 "Frankenstein" (cartes d'origines sur un bus maison) qui irait très bien dessus :-)
#retrocomputing #heathkit
#hamradio #amateurradio #amateurfunk #hamr #cbradio #27mc #SWL #DX #SDR #HFbands #vintage The #Heathkit SB-104 a 70's HF transceiver. For 10-80 meter, CW/USB/LSB. Output power: High 100 & Low 1 watts (PEP).
#heathkit #vintage #hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio
Retro Gadgets: Make Your Scope Dual Channel #oscilloscope #Featured #Interest #Teardown #heathkit #History #vintage
#oscilloscope #Featured #Interest #teardown #heathkit #History #vintage
Retro Gadgets: Make Your Scope Dual Channel - We live in a time when having an oscilloscope is only a minor luxury. But for many... - #oscilloscope #featured #interest #teardown #heathkit #history #vintage
#vintage #history #heathkit #teardown #interest #featured #oscilloscope
Oldest computer I have ever owned. Heathkit EC-1, Vacuum Tube Analog Computer. Found it in a rat-infested #barn. Sold it (it was only partially assembled...). Introduced in 1959. Literally a #barnfind. #heathkit #electronics #computer
#barn #barnfind #heathkit #electronics #computer
#hamradio #amateurradio #amateurfunk #hamr #cbradio #27mc #SWL #DX #SDR #HFbands #Vintage
The #Heathkit GR-81. A vintage desktop HF receiver. Three-tubes, four-bands, covered 140 Khz to 18 Mhz, AM/CW modulation. The GR-81 had a long production run, from 1961-1972.
#heathkit #vintage #hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio
Sometimes you need a whole #Heathkit setup in your life like this bloke has in this advertisement
#RetroComputing #Retro #RetroTechnology #RetroTech #Ad #Coloured #1970s #8bit #16bit #Terminal #CRT #Vintage #VintageTechnology #VintageAd #VintageComputing #RetroAd
#retroad #vintagecomputing #vintagead #VintageTechnology #vintage #crt #terminal #16bit #8bit #1970s #coloured #ad #retrotech #retrotechnology #retro #retrocomputing #heathkit
Can we give some love to the #Heathkit computers like this Heathkit H-89, even if it technically sold under two names: Heathkit H-89 and Zenith Data Systems Z-89.
The H-89 was sold in kit form but the Z-89 came assembled
#RetroComputing #Retro #RetroTechnology #RetroTech #Ad #Coloured #1970s
#1970s #coloured #ad #retrotech #retrotechnology #retro #retrocomputing #heathkit
Earlier this year I received several #Heathkit microprocessor/digital trainers from a classroom cleanout. I've been slowly testing and distributing them. I'm currently unloading the ETW-3800 equipment.
Still left: 1 ETW-3800/ETC-6811, 8 ETC-128 EEPROM modules, some docs, and a suitcase-sized hard case.
Most is free + shipping (there's some shipping built-in that I paid already). There are some stipulations (like don't just resell it).
Details here:
Earlier this year I received several #Heathkit microprocessor/digital trainers from a classroom cleanout. I've been slowly testing and distributing them. I'm currently unloading the ETW-3800 equipment.
Still left: 1 ETW-3800/ETC-6811, 8 ETC-128 EEPROM modules, some docs, and a suitcase-sized hard case.
Most is free + shipping (there's some shipping built-in that I paid already). There are some stipulations (like don't just resell it).
Details here:
#introductions I’m Jim, N2ADV. I have been in and out of Amateur Radio since about the mid-80’s & enjoy everything from #SSB, #CW, & #AM to any #digital mode I can get my hands on and everything in between. My parents were both hams as well so I’m a second generation ham. I own #heathkit , #elecraft , #kenwood, #yaesu, ans #icom gear just to name some of it. My main alias on Mastodon is but I figure it can’t hurt to be in more than one place. See you out on the airwaves!
#introductions #ssb #cw #am #digital #heathkit #elecraft #kenwood #yaesu #icom
@fbz I was wondering what the hashtag was for vintage radio gear. Clearly #boatanchor is the answer. Would love it if you could provide some pics of your #heathkit HW101.
#vintageradio #heathkit #boatanchor
in case my #hamradio nerd friends are interested, i have quite a few radio rebuild/repair projects languishing. i have a full #heathkit HW101 HF tube based transceiver + power supply waiting to be cleaned/recapped/resoldered. and i have an 80s #Kenwood solid state HF rig that i stupidly dropped and need to debug and repair. it's my HF rig to lend out as a loaner for friends getting into HF. it was loaned to me from someone who is sadly now silent key and his family didn't want the rig back. (don't fret for me though because i have a working Yaesu FT-991 HF rig as well)
who else is with me in the #boatanchor club?
#hamradio #heathkit #kenwood #boatanchor