Downgrade Your Heathkit H8 to the World’s First 8-bit Microprocessor - Typically when you’re replacing parts in an old computer it’s either for repairs o... - #retrocomputing #retrocomputing #heathkith8 #downgrade #intel8008
#intel8008 #downgrade #heathkith8 #retrocomputing
Versatile DRAM Board Adds Memory to Any Heathkit H8 Variant #Retrocomputing #dramcontroller #heathkith8 #8080 #8085 #dram #z80
#Retrocomputing #dramcontroller #heathkith8 #dram #z80
Versatile DRAM Board Adds Memory to Any Heathkit H8 Variant - Ask anyone to name a first-generation home computer from the 1970s, and they’ll pr... - #retrocomputing #dramcontroller #heathkith8 #dram #z80
#z80 #dram #heathkith8 #dramcontroller #retrocomputing