#WDEFWeather: #HeatAdvisory extended into the weekend for most of the #WDEFNews12 viewing area for #heatindex temperatures ~105°.
#wdefweather #heatadvisory #wdefnews12 #heatindex
Can we game #ClimateChange? Like, can we select the optimum time in our lives to pull up stakes and move someplace... "safer"? The obvious thought might be "let's go north" but today's heat index of <squints> 126 F in #MINNEAPOLIS illustrates the folly of trying to beat Mother Nature at her game.
This afternoon, 22 August 2023, the #heatindex reached one hundred and twenty-six degrees Fahrenheit in Minneapolis, #Minnesota. #ClimateEmergency
#climatechange #minneapolis #heatindex #minnesota #climateemergency
#SouthCarolina #weather #FamouslyHot #HeatIndex
(text copied from the #NWS National Weather Service)
Oppressively Hot and Humid This Afternoon. Heat Advisory in effect for the #Midlands and #CSRA from 11 am until 8 pm.
#southcarolina #weather #famouslyhot #heatindex #nws #midlands #csra
Gizmodo: Texas Keeps Setting Power Use Records as Summer Heat Rages https://gizmodo.com/texas-weather-temperature-heat-ninth-power-use-record-1850725589 #electricreliabilitycounciloftexas #texasinterconnection #scalesoftemperature #texaspowercrisis #energyintexas #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius #texas
#electricreliabilitycounciloftexas #texasinterconnection #scalesoftemperature #texaspowercrisis #energyintexas #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius #texas
Hot tub-like Persian Gulf fuels 158-degree #heatindex in Iran https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/08/09/iran-persian-gulf-extreme-heat/
Just a reminder: For those of us in areas of the country that get VERY hot in the afternoon (it was 115 #heatindex here yesterday in Central #Florida), it is much better to cool down your house in the AM before it gets too hot outside than to try to cool it back down after the house has heated up.
My temp is normally 75F inside. I cool to 71F in the morning. Yes, a bit chilly... but the house stays ~75F all day long. Without overworking the A/C or heat pump.
#heatindex #florida #climatechange #heat #temperature
Gizmodo: Hottest July on Record Kills Hundreds of Cows https://gizmodo.com/extreme-july-heat-kills-cows-iowa-1850718323 #northernhemisphereheatwaves #effectsofclimatechange #northamericanheatwave #naturaldisasters #weatherhazards #extremeweather #environment #heatindex #heatwave #drought #iowa
#northernhemisphereheatwaves #effectsofclimatechange #northamericanheatwave #naturaldisasters #weatherhazards #extremeweather #environment #heatindex #heatwave #drought #iowa
The #weather has been crazy here since late May. Almost every day is greeted with yet another #heatadvisory or excessive heat advisory. Couple that with with #dewpoints in the upper 70’s to low 80’s, the #heatindex continually pushes 100+ degrees.
#weather #heatadvisory #dewpoints #heatindex
Heat warning: Today could feel like hottest ever :
“In terms of what we can issue, we are at the highest level,” Pine said in a year that has shattered records all over Florida."
#BrianMcNoldy #CameronPine #ExcessiveHeatWarning #feelslike #heatindex #NationalWeatherService #SeaSurfaceTemperature
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #cameronpine #excessiveheatwarning #feelslike #heatindex #nationalweatherservice #seasurfacetemperature #miami #News
More Dangerous Heat Waves Are On The Way - See The Impact By Zip Code [USA]
https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2022/extreme-heat-risk-map-us/ <-- shared media article
https://riskfactor.com/ <--- search the risk for climate change driven factors at your location, North America
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #heat #USA #US #climatechange #South #AmericanSouth #heatdome #risk #hazard #temperature #humidity #publichealth #publicsafety #heatrisk #spatialanalyses #spatiotemporal #nationwide #estimates #heatindex #climate #weather #communityhealth #community #urban #communityimpact #globalwarming #risk #hazard
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #heat #USA #us #climatechange #south #americansouth #heatdome #risk #hazard #temperature #humidity #publichealth #publicsafety #heatrisk #spatialanalyses #spatiotemporal #nationwide #estimates #heatindex #climate #weather #communityhealth #community #urban #communityimpact #globalwarming #firststreetfoundation
The #HeatWave is finally coming to #Pittsburgh, with #HeatIndex values up to 104F predicted for Friday.
#heatwave #pittsburgh #heatindex #pawx #pittsburghwx #wx #weather
#HeatIndex at my place now reading 110f. Ugh. And the nutty dog is out there sunbathing ...
I hope this #summer finally convinces enough people that we're not trying to avoid #ClimateChange-induced #disasters and suffering, but mitigate them.
#HeatDome #WetBulb #HeatIndex #WaterTemperature #Hurricanes #Tornados
#tornados #hurricanes #watertemperature #heatindex #WetBulb #heatdome #disasters #ClimateChange #Summer
Too hot to work? Miami advances heat safety law :
The vote on the first-of-its-kind measure came as the area hit a record 38th day in a row where the heat index -- the ‘feels like’ temperature -- was 100 degrees F or hotter.
#BrianMcNoldy #ClimateChange #DaniellaLevineCava #employer #extremeweather #GregAbbott #Heat #heatindex #JoeBiden #KionneMcGhee #Miami #OSHA #safety #VirginiaKey #worker
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #climatechange #daniellalevinecava #employer #extremeweather #gregabbott #heat #heatindex #JoeBiden #kionnemcghee #miami #osha #safety #virginiakey #worker #News
Gizmodo: From California to Florida, 93 Million Americans Are Under Heat Warnings and Advisories https://gizmodo.com/93-million-americans-under-heat-warnings-death-valley-1850641037 @news@lemmy.seedoubleyou.me #nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
#nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
Gizmodo: From California to Florida, 93 Million Americans Are Under Heat Warnings and Advisories https://gizmodo.com/93-million-americans-under-heat-warnings-death-valley-1850641037 @news@lemmy.seedoubleyou.me #nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
#nationalweatherservice #excessiveheatwarning #fahrenheit #southernnv #heatindex #heatwave #weather
PODCAST: Heat wave – “There's never been anything like this.” :
“I'd say there's very low confidence in seasonal forecasts this year,” McNoldy said.
#BrianMcNoldy #ClimateChange #computermodel #ElNino #GenZ #heatindex #Hurricane #NOAA #RosenstielSchool #sealevelrise #seasurfacetemperatures #UniversityofMiami
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #climatechange #computermodel #elnino #genz #heatindex #hurricane #noaa #rosenstielschool #sealevelrise #seasurfacetemperatures #universityofmiami #miami #News
A heavy work day at #OxleyNatureCneter for the Thursday Old Geezers #TOGs. We worked on clearing the Northern Loop at the North Woods unit. This area had the most extreme damage, so we only made it half-way around the loop even with 4 of us working. High heat and humidity slowed us down with the #HeatIndex hitting 107˚F and the #WetBulbGlobeTemperatureRisk hitting 92˚F. Looks like we can handle most of the clearing, but there are at least 2 very large widow makers that will require brining in the pros. It will be nice to have these exceptional trails through this section of old growth forest clear and available to the public again.
#volunteer #oxleynaturecneter #togs #heatindex #wetbulbglobetemperaturerisk #giveback #environmentalstewardship #damnitshot
Gizmodo: States From California to Florida Are Facing Down Another Dangerously Hot Day https://gizmodo.com/states-california-florida-unsafely-hot-day-heatwave-1850635979 #nationalweatherservice #scalesoftemperature #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius
#nationalweatherservice #scalesoftemperature #environment #fahrenheit #heatindex #heatwave #celsius