I apologize to all for the erratic social media attendance lately, and the slow emails, and the pile of stuff on my desk that I was supposed to go through months ago.
It has been a busy time, and everything is slow due to the #heatdome brought on by the #heatislandeffect since we grew to eight billion people at nearly 60% urbanization.
Tree warriors halt LA plan to destroy up to 13,000 trees for sidewalk repairs https://www.dailynews.com/2023/02/11/tree-warriors-halt-la-plan-to-destroy-up-to-13000-trees-for-sidewalk-repairs/ #streettrees #heatislandeffect #losangeles
#streettrees #heatislandeffect #losangeles
How New York City’s Trees and Shrubs Help Clear Its Air https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/19/nyregion/trees-plants-air-quality-nyc.html #heatislandeffect #sustaibnablecities #trees #nyc
#heatislandeffect #sustaibnablecities #Trees #nyc
Canadian Summer Urban Heat Island Effects
#climatevariability #heatislandeffect #Canada