@BenHoare We purchased the #heatpump for the studio after PNW heat dome and subsequent fires of 2021, replacing the studio furnace and providing AC when we must close the windows, once our ventilation and cooling system, because of wildfire smoke. Too early for federal rebate, we were also too early to purchase a #chlorofluorocarbon free system because those were prioritized for EU by Mitsubishi. In 2015, we installed a #naturalgas furnace; hope to install a CFC free heatpump.
#heatpump #chlorofluorocarbon #naturalgas
🏡🌡️ “Heat pumps don’t work when it’s cold!” Yeah, they do. They work better than your gas boiler. #HeatPump #decarbonisation
Heat Pump Control That Works - Heat pumps are taking the world by storm, and for good reason. Not only are they m... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/04/heat-pump-control-that-works/ #homeautomation #userinterface #temperature #automation #homehacks #heatpump #humidity #control #cooling #heating #esp32 #hvac #tft
#tft #hvac #esp32 #heating #cooling #control #humidity #heatpump #homehacks #automation #temperature #userinterface #homeautomation
#data #heatpump #climate #electrification #heatpumps
First week of having a #HeatPump and it seems to be working pretty well so far.
It's August, so it's not been particularly cold or windy, but most days the high has been around 13°-16°C, so the heating kicks in once or twice a day. The house has been pretty consistently about 19°-20°C, chewing through 0.5-1.5kWh/day. I don't know how that usage compares to the previous oil boiler, because that was only measured in rough 120-ish litre intervals.
Apparently we were getting >600% efficiency with the #HeatPump this morning…?
Home insulation and efficiency upgrades are a no brainer too. Whatever fuel you use, proper insulation means you need less of it.
It also helps keep heat out so you don’t die in heatwaves when AC goes down.
The #HeatPump hesitancy is a disinformation campaign funded by fossil fuel lobbyists, regurgitated wholesale by lazy journalists and corrupt politicians.
Tax the rich, free installs for the poor, much needed wealth redistribution via climate justice.
A few weeks ago a #HeatPump appeared outside the house, so it got plumbed in and the radiators all got made larger, et cetera. But there was no electrician available to wire it all up. Today the electricians have arrived and are working their magic, and so hopefully by the end of the day I'll have central heating again for the first time since about April :D
It was really amazing to see how much Maine has embraced Heat Pumps during our vacation there.
Part 2 of my Vacationing in an Age of Climate Solutions.
I wish we had started this big time in the 1980s or so. But let's do it now.
This article gives a very simplistic analysis. It is important that generator mix, seasonal variations and material usage is included in the analysis of any climate policy. The best bidirectional vehicle storage will be able to do is short term load levelling. It will be tried, but for broken price signal reasons only. But then broken price signals is what got us into this climate mess.
10 Years at Home with GSHP, Western France: Case Study - Learn from a home ground-source heat-pump experience in France. #GSHP #heatpump - https://www.earth.org.uk/GSHP-case-study-France.html
@smokeygeo @alessandro @sdague
If one cares one iota for our planet or at least our children than it makes total sense to install a #HeatPump instead of a fossil fuel burning appliance despite what your employers are paying you to say.
@smokeygeo @alessandro @sdague
The grids are all getting less polluting almost every month and Biden's policies are going to take all of the states' carbon intensities of their electric grids to zero by 2035 if we reelect him next year and give him a Congress he can work with.
Plus, every #Solar system that gets installed between now and then reduces carbon pollution even more quickly so installing a #HeatPump now is the right thing to do if someone wants to take #ClimateAction
#ClimateAction #heatpump #solar
Our 30 year old HVAC system died in the middle of our Kitchen Renovation. The latest heat wave finally killed it. Had to pause kitchen work for a couple of days to take care of it. We went from a SEER 12 AC compressor to a shiny new SEER2 19 heat pump. We should be ready for whatever climate change throws at us for a few more summers.
#photooftheday #hvac #heatpump
#photooftheday #hvac #heatpump
Has anyone here purchased a Daikin controller to use with their #heatpump and #homeassistant ? Wondering what the level of difficulty is.
There are lots of other inaccuracies in the article but this was the worst.
What this article should be focusing on is the cost differential of electricity and gas. That needs resolved and would be the biggest intervention in encouraging a switch to #heatpump technology. #climatechange #climateemergency
#heatpump #ClimateChange #climateemergency
As well as that this... "...heat pumps do not work as efficiently in Scotland as they do in other countries, with some liable to malfunction at temperatures of minus 5C or lower.'.
I'm sorry but physics doesn't change in #Scotland compared to other countries and I've not heard of #heatpump malfunctions occurring at -5C. Anyone know what this man's agenda is? #climatechange #climateemergency
#scotland #heatpump #ClimateChange #climateemergency
Domestic Heat Pumps: Barriers to Installation (2022) - A case study in the friction in specifying and installing a heat-pump in the UK, even for a savvy early adopter. #heatpump #netZero #futureReady - https://www.earth.org.uk/heat-pump-barriers.html
#heatpump #NetZero #futureready
11 Years of Home ASHP, Kingston-upon-Thames London: Case Study - Learn from a home air-source heat-pump experience in greater London, UK, a decade in. #ASHP #heatpump - https://www.earth.org.uk/ASHP-case-study-Kingston-UK.html