GREL based, well one stand of eight at least. The pastels pop nicely with the desert base. I'm really happy with how they came out. In pictures I feel like they could use some more shading, but in real life, in my hand, they really don't. I think I'm finally learning how to paint for the table instead of the camera.
#heavygear #heavygearblitz #minipainting #miniaturepainting #wargaming #wargames #warmongers #miniatures #painted
#heavygear #heavygearblitz #minipainting #miniaturepainting #wargaming #wargames #warmongers #miniatures #painted
#miniaturemonday Im still working on my Command Mammoth for #HeavyGear ! I didn’t get much time by tried a Vallejo dark brown wash I’m not super sold on: I decided to try pre-mixed over just watering down paint, but kind of wish rod used the black instead of the dark brown. Lots of cleanup required.
GREL done. Need to let them cure til I can varnish them, then do the basing and some light weathering. That'll pretty much complete my Terran Colonial Expeditionary Force.
I wanted to replicate the artwork from the old #heavygear books (see ref pic). In particular, I wanted to make sure I didn't wash them out or over darken them, but also not clash with my weathered tanks by going too cartoony.
#miniatures #minipainting #miniaturewargaming #heavygearblitz #warmongers
#heavygear #miniatures #minipainting #Miniaturewargaming #heavygearblitz #warmongers
Test piece, a GREL clone soldier of the Colonial Expeditionary Force of Old Terra for #heavygearblitz 1:144th, but 10ft tall in the setting, so basically 15mm. I kept myself to 6 colors max, because I need to paint a whole platoon of them, and I think the only bit that needs drybrushed is the weapon; it's coming off a little flat.
#miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #miniaturewargaming #wargames #wargaming #heavygear #warmongers
#heavygearblitz #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #Miniaturewargaming #wargames #wargaming #heavygear #warmongers
I tried something novel for painting my CEF hovertanks, and though it didn't work as intended, I think I pivoted and wound up with something I'd be happy to bring to the table. Lots more words and pics in the blog post -
I really thought I'd screwed something up right at the last moment, but it turns out it's just curing weirdly slow in this abominable Texas summer.
#minipainting #miniaturepainting #wargames #wargaming #warmongers #heavygear #heavygearblitz
#minipainting #miniaturepainting #wargames #wargaming #warmongers #heavygear #heavygearblitz
@eke my game of choice is #heavygearblitz and I now magnetize all models on flight stands unless they can stand on their own (like the model has a deep “receiver”). It’s just easier and looks nicer when done, and I’d rather a magnet ‘joint’ separate than something I have to glue.
Some of the Heavy Gear models do admittedly come with pewter “pawns” for flight stands than are more visible than the GW clear plastic pegs.
(Disclaimer l: I’ve done work for dp9 to support web stuff and #heavygear)
@Kerpob yeah, I love the chunky realistic proportions of the classic Terran hovertank sculpts. #heavygear has always been at its aesthetic best when thick and well armored.
@spinning_bird Much more!
The PC game was based on a setting that was created by DP9 and used for a card game and long-running hybrid tabletop RPG and wargame. The RPG pretty much wound up years ago and there was some trouble getting to the current tabletop game and soon to be released new lighter-weight RPG.
The PC game also had a sequel and there was a short lived CGI cartoon I’d not really advise watching.
(Disclaimer: I’ve done some work for DP9 to support their tech.)
Building a Mammoth for #HeavyGear Blitz. Actually building a Command Mammoth which trades a missile pod for a comfy seat for a commander and an oversized fist. The hand looks unpleasant to assemble. #MiniaturePainting
Finally finished writing up notes on a Heavy Gear game from a couple weeks ago, utilizing all the new terrain I've been working on. Said terrain is not finished, ~70% done, but neither were all the models on the table.
Heavy Gear Blitz 3rd edition has been seeing a lot of table time with our group, and deservedly so. Ain't perfect, but solid enough to make you want to refine it 'til it gleams.
#miniatures #wargames #wargaming #heavygear #heavygearblitz
First third of a set of buildings done. These are 3D printed designs from The Lazy Forger's 'Shanty Town Set 1' on a Mars 3 at 180% scale for use with 10-12mm wargames, principally Heavy Gear Blitz and Dropzone Commander. Primed white, Craft store paint block colored, then thinned Army Painter Light Tone wash over everything and drybrushed in a craft store biege to bring the colors into a similar palette.
#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wargames #HeavyGear #HeavyGearBlitz #DropzoneCommander
#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wargames #heavygear #heavygearblitz #dropzonecommander
Finished the last of the models for my #HeavyGearBlitz Black Talon force. I wanted to stick to just the Talon series of gears, but I couldn't resist the Hyena there in the back middle. The Raptor on the far left has an HRC from a South kit and the blade is from the Vulture pack. The Owls in the middle are modified with the heads, arms, and small rocket pack from the PRDF Harrier pack.
#wargaming #heavygear #miniatures #miniaturepainting #mecha
#heavygearblitz #wargaming #heavygear #miniatures #miniaturepainting #mecha
Been a while since I took a parade shot of my #HeavyGear #HeavyGearBlitz Southern Republic army.
There's only a handful of units left for the faction that I want to build and paint, and this is more than enough to run a huge variety of strike forces.
New additions are the Titan attack helicopter, the Caiman APCs, and the Hydra strider tank.
I also added something a little something extra for the basing on the Hydra. #wargaming #miniaturepainting #minipainting #miniatures #wargames
#heavygear #heavygearblitz #wargaming #miniaturepainting #minipainting #miniatures #wargames
Work in Progress on Caiman APCs and a Hydra strider tank for my Southern Republican army for Heavy Gear Blitz. Just edge highlighting the base layer and beginning to block in the other colors. #heavygear #heavygearblitz #miniatures #miniaturepainting #wargaming
#heavygear #heavygearblitz #miniatures #miniaturepainting #wargaming
Hi everyone, im new to this server! I am here to find content from #cis #female #kinksters that satisfy my PPE & heavy gear kinks, everything from COVID protection all the way to #heavygear. #kink #kinky #kinkster
#cis #female #kinksters #heavygear #kink #kinky #kinkster
Hi everyone, im new to this server! I am here to find content from #cis #female #kinksters that satisfy my PPE & heavy gear kinks, everything from COVID protection all the way to #heavygear. #kink #kinky #kinkster
#cis #female #kinksters #heavygear #kink #kinky #kinkster
Hi everyone, im new to this server! I am here to find content from #cis #female #kinksters that satisfy my PPE & heavy gear kinks, everything from COVID protection all the way to #heavygear. #kink #kinky #kinkster
#cis #female #kinksters #heavygear #kink #kinky #kinkster
Hi everyone, im new to this server! I am here to find content from #cis #female #kinksters that satisfy my PPE & heavy gear kinks, everything from COVID protection all the way to #heavygear. #kink #kinky #kinkster
#kinkster #kinky #kink #heavygear #kinksters #female #cis