@yosho by the way, here's how I let #HEB know how they lost all my future business: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/artsmart_2023-texas-inauguration-raised-47-million-activity-7078775408153800704-ash3
Please feel free to do likewise. These unscrupulous businesses need to be publicly reprimanded.
Update now that I caught up.
All these lights and sirens and it was for a small electrical fire in the #HEB caused by spilt milk.
#Texans watching the #SuperBowl. I admit to eating warm #HEB tortillas in my car.
250 People Fight For Possibly Spoiled Dumpster Food During Power Outage In Greg Abbott's Texas https://www.wonkette.com/texas-power-outage-fight
#Texas_power_outage #heb #Greg_abbott #Texas_freeze
A few weeks ago I asked my local #HEB butcher for what I thought was a reasonable request — breaking down a whole chicken.
You can’t do that apparently.
This is weird. I'm about to go shopping at #HEB with #Michigan paraphernalia on...
This is what it's like to be an Oklahoma fan in #Texas, right?
#fiestabowl #tcuvsmich #texas #michigan #heb
HEB Texas Pets Indoor Complete Dry Cat Food manufactured on 11/13/2022 has salmonella contamination. #heb #catfood #salmonella #infection #recall
#heb #catfood #Salmonella #infection #recall
What do I miss about living in Texas? I miss my family there. I miss the great restaurants in Austin. I miss the music. I miss the wildflowers. I miss hearing (and haltingly speaking) Spanish. But one thing I do miss about living overseas is HEB.
#Texas #ImmigrantLife #HEB #supermarket #Austin
#Texas #ImmigrantLife #heb #supermarket #austin