#Heb12 turned 4 years old in March. The project is pretty much dead, other than me tweaking small things in the CLI program.
You can see our work here: https://heb12.com/
#heb12 CLI v0.1.3
Decided to ditch the WIP desktop app, and possibly the Android app.
Heb12 has pretty much been a research project for the past 3 years. We went from Electron to Python/Qt, then to Golang/Fyne, then to C/HTML/CSS, and recently I was thinking of using GTK.
We (me and @josias) learned a lot over the years, but we spent way too much time rewriting existing code.
From now on, I will focus only on maintaining the CLI app and the Heb12 API.
code.heb12.com has been moved to code.theres.life.
Feel free to make an account and upload some code.
#heb12 #thereslife #TheresCode
Which part of Heb12 would you be most interested in seeing finished?
Just want to get a feel of how many people are still interested in this project.
Slow but steady progress on the Heb12 desktop/android apps (both will probably use same or similar code)
#introduction post
My goal in life is to follow Jesus and to follow God's plan. I have done so for several years.
I believe in 2017, God led me to find @josias working on the #Heb12 project.
To be honest, I didn't know Jesus. I thought I thought I was going to hell and didn't deserve forgiveness.
Through working on that project, I realized Jesus loves me and died on the cross for me, and God
has a plan for my life. Since then, I have committed to following it.
I have been an amateur astronomer for several years.
God has shown me amazing things through my telescope, and I have learned a lot.
I have seen star clusters, planets, nebulae, galaxies, etc.
Science has strengthened my relationship with God.
It shows me the amazing design of the universe we have.
It has led me to admire God even more.
God made us explorers and gave us a beautiful universe to admire and study.
"Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them." - Psalm 111:2
#jesus #astronomy #space #astrophotography #programming #computers #telescopes
#telescopes #computers #programming #astrophotography #space #astronomy #jesus #heb12 #introduction
Revelation 14:4 - These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from humanity as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb,
@masterofthetiger I got your #Heb12 CLI working on my web server. I was able to get the result of the random verse function to show up in a PHP file. I have it up here: http://openbiblesapi.duckdns.org/random.php
I have successfully passed 1k lines of code on the main #Heb12 Mobile JS file.
Hey, I'm Dan. I am a Christian and a programmer. I created the app Heb12 Mobile. Here are some topic thingies:
#introduction #linux #minecraft #html5 #conservative #jesus #telescope #heb12