How to say, “The Salt of the Earth” in Hebrew!
This is a phrase that is used a lot in Israel but I haven’t heard in America. I introduce it to you today!
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#saltoftheearth #saltoftheworld #thesaltoftheearth #bible #judaism #christian #jewish #christianquotes #learnhebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewidioms #speakhebrew #hebrewforchristians #jewdiverse #mastodon #mazeldon #jews #fyp
How to say, “Going” in Hebrew!
Join my Hebrew Class Subscription on Instagram to accelerate your Hebrew speaking and understanding (try it for 30 days for the cost of 2 cups of coffee and experience the progress!)
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#going #conjugate #conjugating #verbs #hebrewverbs #hebrewschool #speakinghebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewclass #hebrewdrip #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewidioms #aliyah #israelilife #hebrewwordoftheday #hebrewwords #hebrew #jewish #jewdiverse #mazeldon
How to say, “Keep and eye on” in Henbrew!
Check out all my resources and free guide kickstarting your Hebrew speaking at (link is in the bio as well)
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#hebrewbyinbal #keepaneye #eyeonyou #eyesontheprize #eyeswideopen #hebrewphrase #hebrewphraseoftheday #idioms #hebrewidiom #hebrewidioms #hebrewsentences #speakhebrew #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #hebrewforbegginers #hebrew #jewish #eyes #eyeson #watchingyou #watchingit #ayeen #eyewideopen #openeyes