Video: Pastor Richard jordan - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - #Noah: Preacher Of Righteousness - #Hebrews 11:7 -
#Sermon #Scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #noah #hebrews
There are few who dare to acknowledge publicly that the Huli are the true #Hebrews.
I'm probably going to get ratio'd for this, but the true #Hebrews are the Sex Pistols.
It says in the Book of Revelation that the authentic #Hebrews are the Palaung.
I don't want to end up on the radar of Mossad, but the Birhors are the actual #Hebrews. #TrueFacts
A Needed Prayer for Today – Hebrews 13:21
Pray that God would equip his people for doing his will. And that he would work in us to produce what is pleasing to him.
Formed at God’s Command – Hebrews 11:3
This universe, and all it contains, was formed at God's command. And that includes me. So it is only reasonable that I submit to him.
#BibleStudy #Hebrews #Faith #God'sSovereignty
#biblestudy #hebrews #faith #god
Video - Les Feldick - #LesFeldick #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - Why #Hebrews Was Written: Hebrews 1:1-10
#hebrews #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #LesFeldick
Video - Les Feldick - #LesFeldick #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - Why #Hebrews Was Written: Hebrews 1:1-10
#hebrews #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #LesFeldick
Most code switching I've been around or done myself has been replacing words of substance like nouns, verbs, and adjectives, or sometimes switching in the middle of a sentence and then carrying on from there.
This one I got from a family member tonight struck me as odd.
!את אלה Take
The Hebrew words are an accusative case marker and "these", for a total of "Take these!"
Is it just me, or is that linguistically odd?
“Languages” in Hebrew! Want to kickstart your Hebrew speaking?
Get my free guide: (link is in the bio as well)
#languages #languageguide #hebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewenglish #englishhebrew #foreignlanguage #foreignlanguages #hebrews #jewishlanguage #speakhebrew #everydayhebrew #hebrewforbeginners #fyp #jewishmastodon
#languages #languageguide #hebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewenglish #englishhebrew #foreignlanguage #foreignlanguages #hebrews #jewishlanguage #speakhebrew #everydayhebrew #hebrewforbeginners #fyp #jewishmastodon
No Pastor, Priest, Pope or King: Part 2 #JackHibbs #Sermon #Hebrews
A morning sermon to get the day started 📖 😃
#America PLEASE study & go back to my posts on the difference on REAL #Hebrews #Jews and the Frauds of the Kharzarian Rothschild Gangsters who are NOT from #Shem (#Semites) but of #Japheth!!
On my Ministry Page if you go to "Israel's "Lost 10 Tribes?" I have a page with credible & factual links on the REAL HEBREWS/JEWS! and how they are beginning to come back to the Holy Land! Lots of Information!
#Japheth #Semites #Shem #jews #hebrews #America