Self-titled Jewitches and Kohenet priestesses have been trying to convert Jewish people away from Judaism to paganism. This #proselytizing has been condemned by mainstream denominations of #Judaism. However, some younger #Jews, unaware of how deceptive these groups are, have joined, just as some Jews were persuaded to join 'Jews for Jesus.' We thus present a resource to share with your national and local Jewish leadership and #Hebrewschool teachers.
#jews #hebrewschool #proselytizing #judaism
/te-'vet/ is the 4th month in the Jewish / Hebrew calendar. It visits us in the months of December-January, and starts with the last days of /kha-noo-'kah/.
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#channukah #channukahgift #tevet #טבת #hebrewmonths #jewishmonths #hebrewcalendar #hebrewcalendarmonth #hebrewyear #jewishyear #israelicalendar #hebrewisraelites #hebrewroots #hebrewletters #hebrewschool #jewishnewyear #jewishcommunity #jewishpride #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #hebrewwords #watercolorart #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
How to say, “Going” in Hebrew!
Join my Hebrew Class Subscription on Instagram to accelerate your Hebrew speaking and understanding (try it for 30 days for the cost of 2 cups of coffee and experience the progress!)
#going #conjugate #conjugating #verbs #hebrewverbs #hebrewschool #speakinghebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewclass #hebrewdrip #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewidioms #aliyah #israelilife #hebrewwordoftheday #hebrewwords #hebrew #jewish #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#going #conjugate #conjugating #verbs #hebrewverbs #hebrewschool #speakinghebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewclass #hebrewdrip #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewidioms #aliyah #israelilife #hebrewwordoftheday #hebrewwords #hebrew #jewish #jewdiverse #mazeldon
How do we reach Jewish students who think that they can't learn Mishnah or Talmud, or don't "get it"? Chayim Lando offers us this beautiful story -
I was a 7th grade rebbe teaching Talmud... One particular boy showed no interest or inclination whatsoever ....Click on the image for the full story.
#Mazeldon #Jewish #Judaism #Jews #Talmud #HebrewSchool
#Mazeldon #jewish #judaism #jews #talmud #hebrewschool
When's the last time your synagogue or Hebrew School taught about the prophet Jeremiah? Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) study is just as important as Talmud
#Jewish #Judaism #Torah #OrthodoxJudaism #ConservativeJudaism #ReformJudaism #Masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #Jeremiah #Tanakh #Bible #HebrewBible #HebrewSchool #synagogue
#jewish #judaism #torah #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism #reformJudaism #masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #jeremiah #tanakh #bible #HebrewBible #hebrewschool #synagogue
Great words from Ben Freeman. Our Judaism doesn't belong to us alone - we have to live in a way such that we pass it down to our descendants.
#Jewish #Judaism #Torah #OrthodoxJudaism #ConservativeJudaism #ReformJudaism #Masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #masorah #continuity #Jewishfamilies #HebrewSchool
#jewish #judaism #torah #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism #reformJudaism #masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #masorah #continuity #jewishfamilies #hebrewschool
Are you a Hebrew school teacher? What books do you use to teach Torah to your students?
#Jewish #Judaism #Torah #OrthodoxJudaism #ConservativeJudaism #ReformJudaism #Masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #HebrewSchool
#jewish #judaism #torah #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism #reformJudaism #masorti #coffeehousetorahtalk #havurah #beitmidrash #hebrewschool
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