today's plan so far:
✓ breakfast/get dressed/etc
✓ litter box
- take out recycling
✓ clear off my desk before therapy
- therapy
✓ #HebrewStudy
- maybe take a nap
- pick up the living room
and therapy is about to start in a few minutes. after that, we'll see how I feel ...
fuck me, I cannot figure out the difference between "what's going on" and "what's up" in Hebrew, because they're so similar in meaning in English, but the Hebrew words are so different, and Mango doesn't give me the literal meaning for either of them, which is so frustrating, because "what's up" is just a colloquial/informal way to say "what's going on"
good morning, friends ... I woke up before my alarm went off??? bodies are confusing
anyway, here's the plan for today:
- breakfast/get dressed/etc
- litter box
- take out recycling
- clear off my desk before therapy
- therapy
- #HebrewStudy
- maybe take a nap
- pick up the living room
I doubt I'll get all of it done today, but so long as I make a start (and definitely get the litter box done today), I'll be happy
final update:
✓ breakfast
✓ Blanket Time™ with Midna
- #HebrewStudy
- take out recycling
- litter box
✓ go to bed before 5am
instead of doing the other things, I hung out with my friend T and his new dog, Marco! she's a rescue, and she's a little anxious and possibly came from an abusive situation, but she's very sweet and loves scritches
anyway, it's 12:30am, and I'm super tired. I'm going to bed in just a minute 😴😴😴
okay, plans for today:
✓ breakfast
✓ Blanket Time™ with Midna
- #HebrewStudy
- take out recycling
- litter box
- go to bed before 5am
my break just ended, but I initiated Blanket Time™ and I don't have it in me to kick her off immediately
for those who don't know, Blanket Time™ is when I lay a fuzzy blanket on my chest, and my 3 year old black bobtail cat kneads my chest, licks the blanket till it's sopping wet and PURRS. it's a little gross, but very sweet 💜
#hebrewstudy #lifestuff #catsofmastodon
okay, I've eaten breakfast, and my stomach hurts. back when I had ovaries, that would mean my period was about to start. now? 🤷🏻
- hang out with a friend
- date night with @comicsbyxan!
to dos (I got most of yesterday's done, so yay for that):
✅ breakfast
- finish sorting the living room
- put a notebook and pen next to my bed
- #HebrewStudy
- laundry, maybe? (tonight)
today's plans:
✅ breakfast
- take out recycling
✅ post pictures for fiberuary
✅ put away clean dishes
- #HebrewStudy?
- make living room livable again
I have therapy soon, then a couple hours to myself before work. also I'm thinking of changing the #AFLife hashtag? I modeled it off of @sheepchase's #sclife, but I'd like it if there was a more widely used hashtag like "Life Posts" or "A Day In The Life" or something? anyway, time to get ready for therapy!
so, today's plans include yesterday's
- breakfast
- take out recycling
- post pictures for fiberuary
- put away clean dishes
- #HebrewStudy?
- make living room livable again
okay, here's my entry for #fiberuary: it's still a #WIP, and technically I think I'm late for #texture week, but I'm teaching myself multiple #weaving techniques/textures. so far I have: rya knots, plain weave, soumak (my favorite!!!), satin weave, and plain weave with a bit of ribbon. the yarn's still my handspun Hellboy
#hebrewstudy #fiberuary #wip #texture #weaving
I start work in four hours and I'd like to get a few things done before then ...
- take out recycling
- post pictures for #fiberuary
- put away clean dishes
- #HebrewStudy?
Midna is on the bed with me, and she's in a very playful mood, attacking my feet 🤣
#fiberuary #hebrewstudy #aflife
okay, so my goals for after my appointment were:
-fold/put away laundry
-eat a second meal before work
I would like to do at least one of those things in the next 2 hours ... but I do also need to decompress after the psych appt, which means videogaming ...
I'm going to do my best to set a timer, and then do one of the things on my list when the timer goes off, and then probably back to gaming. wish me luck!