"Get up!" in hebrew
#getup #getupearly #gettingup #wakeup #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #LearnHebrewOnline #HebrewForBeginners #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #hebrewforkids #hebrewwords #mazeldon #jewdiverse #mastodon
#getup #getupearly #gettingup #wakeup #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #learnhebrewonline #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #hebrewforkids #hebrewwords #mazeldon #jewdiverse #mastodon
Express in Hebrew when things are really bad!
Hebrew speakers and Israelis use this slang expression to say how bad it is.
#hebrewslang #slangwords #slang #slangidioms #hebrewphrase #hebrewwords #speakhebrew #everydayhebrew #learnhebrew #learnhebrewonline #verybad #hebrew #jewish #Mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #Fediverse
#hebrewslang #slangwords #slang #slangidioms #hebrewphrase #hebrewwords #speakhebrew #everydayhebrew #learnhebrew #learnhebrewonline #verybad #hebrew #jewish #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #fediverse
Dec 31 in Hebrew :) right before we switch to a whole new year filled with its endless possibilities!
I saw this in the store and could not resist...
Happy new year!
שנה אזרחית טובה
#dec31 #nye #newyear #nyresolution #newyears #thenewyear #thenewyeariscoming #2023 #2022 #december #december31st #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewwords #hebrewphrase #jewsofmastodon #jewdiverse #mastodon #jewish #hebrew #mazeldon
#dec31 #nye #newyear #nyresolution #newyears #thenewyear #thenewyeariscoming #december #december31st #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewwords #hebrewphrase #jewsofmastodon #jewdiverse #mastodon #jewish #hebrew #mazeldon
/te-'vet/ is the 4th month in the Jewish / Hebrew calendar. It visits us in the months of December-January, and starts with the last days of /kha-noo-'kah/.
#channukah #channukahgift #tevet #טבת #hebrewmonths #jewishmonths #hebrewcalendar #hebrewcalendarmonth #hebrewyear #jewishyear #israelicalendar #hebrewisraelites #hebrewroots #hebrewletters #hebrewschool #jewishnewyear #jewishcommunity #jewishpride #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #hebrewwords #watercolorart #Mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#channukah #channukahgift #tevet #טבת #hebrewmonths #jewishmonths #hebrewcalendar #hebrewcalendarmonth #hebrewyear #jewishyear #israelicalendar #hebrewisraelites #hebrewroots #hebrewletters #hebrewschool #jewishnewyear #jewishcommunity #jewishpride #hebrewbyinbal #learnhebrew #hebrewwords #watercolorart #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
How to say, “Going” in Hebrew!
Join my Hebrew Class Subscription on Instagram to accelerate your Hebrew speaking and understanding (try it for 30 days for the cost of 2 cups of coffee and experience the progress!)
#going #conjugate #conjugating #verbs #hebrewverbs #hebrewschool #speakinghebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewclass #hebrewdrip #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewidioms #aliyah #israelilife #hebrewwordoftheday #hebrewwords #hebrew #jewish #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#going #conjugate #conjugating #verbs #hebrewverbs #hebrewschool #speakinghebrew #hebrewbyinbal #hebrewclass #hebrewdrip #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewidioms #aliyah #israelilife #hebrewwordoftheday #hebrewwords #hebrew #jewish #jewdiverse #mazeldon