Thrice-great Hecate #hecate #goddesses
#Hecate Cocktail Bar Opens Under Krasi Restaurant in Boston’s #BackBay...
#Hecate’s favorite: Red Velvet #Yarrow has exploded with these gorgeous sprays if color. These have decorated my offering plate & they’re good for stopping cuts from bleeding. My housemate likes to use them in workkng to strengthen boundaries. #gardening
Hecate Crowned by Fosco Culto.
#Hecate #Hekate #Paganism #GreekMythology #GrecoRomanCulture #Art
#hecate #hekate #paganism #greekmythology #grecoromanculture #art
We are stardust and shadows.
🌑 🌒 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌘 🌑
#witchcraft #demonolatry #luciferianism #witches #witch #lilith #lilithian #hecate #hekate #occult #feminism
#witchcraft #demonolatry #luciferianism #witches #witch #lilith #lilithian #hecate #hekate #occult #feminism
Hécate et ses loups (2020) sera l'une des aquarelles à voir en vrai durant l'exposition dont vous êtes le héros, à la galerie Wyrd, 22 rue des orphelins à Strasbourg.
Du 9 mars au 27 mai 2023.
#Artiste #exposition #Strasbourg #GalerieWyrd #fantasy #MythologieGrecque #hecate
#artiste #exposition #strasbourg #galeriewyrd #fantasy #mythologiegrecque #hecate
I finished reading 'Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature' by Sarah Iles Johnston.
I enjoyed this book tremendously. Johnston expands my ideas about liminality, transitions, and boundaries and makes connections about Hekate's development and associations that have eluded me. This is a book that leaves me with a lot to think about. ❤️
#Hecate #Hekate #HekateSoteira #ChaldeanOracles #Neoplatonism
#neoplatonism #chaldeanoracles #hekatesoteira #hekate #hecate
Left an offering at the crossroads for the goddess Hecate on this new moon. #paganism #neopaganism #hecate #hekate #newmoon
#paganism #neopaganism #hecate #hekate #newmoon
Hecate - Greek Goddess of Witchcraft, the Night, Magic, and Necromancy
This pattern depicts a three-headed Hecate, guiding you at the crossroads with her familiar, the hound.
#hecate #hekate #greekmythology #crossstitch
Persephone (aka Kore) was the Greek goddess of agriculture and vegetation, especially grain, and the wife of Hades, with whom she rules the Underworld. An important element of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Thesmophoria festival, the goddess was worshipped throughout the Greek world and frequently appeared in all forms of Greek art. #Demeter #Hades #Hecate #History
#History #hecate #hades #demeter
Over the past week or so I've been learning more about the goddess #Hecate, and the more I learn, the more drawn I feel to reach out to Her. I haven't formally worked with a deity yet, though I did try with Artemis for a while, but the more I think about what drew me to Her, the more I think it may have actually been Hecate I was feeling.
Are there any Hecate devotees here who can share any insights into working with Her, or share any knowledge about Her in general?
One of my favourite ever pieces. Hand burned onto the wood. #art #craft #mythology #magic #wisdom #wethree #hecate #pyro #pyrography #burn #handmade #woodwork #wood #women
#art #craft #mythology #magic #wisdom #wethree #hecate #pyro #pyrography #burn #handmade #woodwork #wood #women
Hekate, greek goddess of witches.
(I added the details in the image media).
This took me a hot minute to get the details right, and have just enough light for their faces, but keep their figure in shadows. I hope you like it.
#dazstudio #daz3d #greekgoddess #hecate
Hekate and the New Year Unpacking A Mysterious Ancient Hymn
#hekate #hecate #Proclus #janus #keepingherkeys
#maidenmothercrone #keys #snakes #dogs #triplemoon #hecate #literallunatic #love
@panamared27401 I would be interested to know the numbers of older Americans, such as myself, who no longer have any trust or faith in the currently available organized religions. #ReformedCatholic
Not saying that I don't believe in a higher power, just saying that I don't believe in the one that the white guys from Middle Ages Europe made up.
If I get to pick, I'm going to go with #Hecate.....😎
Here is my attempt at a musical rendition of the Hymn to Hekate. I hope that it will inspire someone with more talent than I to create something better. I am no true musician, only a poor scholar.
#Video #Hymn #Pagan #Hekate #Hecate #AncientGreek #AncientLanguage
#video #hymn #pagan #hekate #hecate #ancientgreek #ancientlanguage
Today's poem:
Orphic Hymn to Hecate (unknown author)
#poetry #OrphicHymn #hecate #AncientGreek #goddess #sorcery #spells
#poetry #orphichymn #hecate #ancientgreek #goddess #sorcery #spells
ME: I bet I know who your favorite Greek god is
ME: Yeah it's HECKate
SPOUSE: Well-played
ME: 😁
#marriage #relationship #relationships #love #dadjoke #dadjokes #pun #puns #badpun #badpuns #greekmyth #greekmythology #hekate #hecate
#marriage #relationship #relationships #love #dadjoke #dadjokes #pun #puns #badpun #badpuns #greekmyth #greekmythology #hekate #hecate