JenInMass · @jeninmass
28 followers · 142 posts · Server
alexia · @TypeErr0r
150 followers · 250 posts · Server

Why do I feel guilty about not exercising each of my outlets enough…

When I should be experiencing gratitude to have been blessed with each of them in the first place?

#reflection #rest #Tarot #writer #artist #musician #creative #hedgewitch

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlie McHenry · @CharlieMcHenry
304 followers · 664 posts · Server

I love music, and fancy myself an amateur ethnomusicologist. Strong women’s voices and groups are a favorite, so I’m going to post a series of music videos today reflecting my interest. Also am/was a member of the “Witches vs Patriarchy” sub-reddit where I’d regularly post these kinds of videos. Sub is locked down now post-protest and I can’t post. I’m particularly fond of Nordic tunes, from ‘green’, ‘forest’ and ‘hedge’ witches. This tune is about “Hel” a dark Nordic witch who controls the underworld of the same name and her angry encounter with Thor, who she orders out of her domaine. A perfect match for the WvP sub, if only I could post there.

#musicvideo #nordicmythology #danish #witches #hedgewitch #forestwitch #patriarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

Ele Willoughby, PhD · @minouette
816 followers · 938 posts · Server

Another print which alludes to unicorns is my hedge witch, who has a unicorn skull as a hint of magic.

Behind the cat you can spy a Renaissance style medicine cabinet, and the cauldron, jars and bottles are like those I've seen from that era. 1/2

#junicorn #unicorn #witch #hedgewitch #folklore #linocut #printmaking #barnowl #cat #mastoart #rabbit #potion #medicinalherbs

Last updated 1 year ago

@quidcumque I had a problem with organised religion. I happened upon when I discovered they met in silence. That all the people there are ministers and that the authority is vested in the membership. I discovered a truly inclusive movement where all are welcome. A nice story: A friend who is a was interested and visited his local meeting. They welcomed him and, when they found out he was a pagan, asked if he would come back and give a talk about his beliefs.

#quakers #hedgewitch

Last updated 2 years ago

Eryn McConnell · @ErynMcConnell
470 followers · 1612 posts · Server

Hedge Jumper

To jump the hedges
Is not just sailing high
Over reaching branches
But to jump through worlds
One foot in each corner

Spectral traveller
Cosmic secret bearer
Friend of Guardians
Jumper of hedge

Photography by Stephen Emerson and is of the Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

#MastoPrompt #hedge #hedgewitch #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Luci-nia · @Lucinia
4 followers · 28 posts · Server

It's a full moon 🌝

Charge your crystals & potions, make moon water, cast your spells.

Take advantage of the Energy that surrounds you tonight. Even if it is just to show your gratitude for all that has transpired since the last full moon.

#everydaymagic #practicalmagic #herbalist #pagansofinstagram #greenwitch #pagansofredhook #godandgoddess #shamanicwitch #goddessenergy #hedgewitch #witchesofinstagram

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura · @LauraSaintChevalier
408 followers · 388 posts · Server

A blessèd Imbolc to all those who celebrate it!

“Mighty Brigid, keeper of the flame,
blazing in the darkness of winter.
O goddess we honour you, bringer of light,
healer, exalted one.
Bless us now, hearth mother,
that we may be as fruitful as the soil itself,
and our lives abundant and fertile.
Blessèd be.”

#hedgewitch #witch #nature #wheeloftheyear #brigid #witchcraft #wicca #pagan #imbolc

Last updated 2 years ago

My did not disappoint!

Such a positive message with one of my soul cards thrown in! Ahh! 🥰❤️

I am so blessed to have such an amazing and wonderful :)

#wolfsmoon #tarotdraw #spiritguide #Tarot #Divination #hedgewitch #nightwitch #moonwitch #RebelWitch #forestwitch

Last updated 2 years ago

Just finished my sticker for the back of my car ❤️

I love it!

#witch #witchcraft #hedgewitch #forestwitch #nightwitch #moonwitch

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm sure now that my gifts are coming back. Which is so exciting.

I am starting to have very random visions when I close my eyes, and am keeping records of them.

Planning on making a new tiktok series about them :)

I'm opening up and getting more intune with myself and that feels wonderful!

#psychic #clairvoyant #clarivoyance #witchcraft #hedgewitch #forestwitch #nightwitch #moonwitch

Last updated 2 years ago

Annd last but not least my for today. I was really happy with this , I experimented a bit more ( off camera -not everything is shown ) and really enjoyed this process.

It was a protection spell today, just renewing my and and just being in my craft for a few hours, it felt amazing. ❤️

#spellwork #Spell #wards #protections #hedgewitch #forestwitch #witchcraft #nightwitch #moonwitch

Last updated 2 years ago

This was my draw for today, I am really happy with it, was positive and the message I needed today.

I love that White my and I have such an amazing and wonderful relationship.

Peep the as well! 🥰❤️

#DailyTarot #spiritguide #soulcard #Tarot #Divination #hedgewitch #nightwitch #moonwitch #RebelWitch #forestwitch

Last updated 2 years ago

So, today I did my first ever because my intuition was telling me something was up and I felt it was a good of time as any to try doing it for myself. And let me tell you I felt so much better afterwards!

#eggcleanse #spiritguide #whitewolf #Spell #returntosender #fuckaroundandfindout #nightwitch #hedgewitch #forestwitch #moonwitch #RebelWitch

Last updated 2 years ago

I just finished this it was a return to my as well as the first spell I've done in the new year so I wanted it to be something special. It was a healing spell, for me. Self-love and just a strengthining spell. I feel a bit better, I love deep diving and experimenting as well.

White my was definately with me as I felt her presence the entire time.

#spell #witchcraft #spiritguide #hedgewitch #forestwitch #nightwitch #moonwitch #lightseers #rebelwitch #spellwork

Last updated 2 years ago

Ea Mar Ameth · @arcanassanctum
50 followers · 28 posts · Server

Happy New Years Everyone! For those of you subscribe to my channel on YouTube just wanted to let you know that I will be creating new videos bi weekly now that come out on Weekends. I put up two polls on my channel to figure out my audience and content direction for this year. I've been seeing a sharp decline in content creators that are active so I feel more active now than ever to get the ball rolling. My focus of my content revolves around , , and while building your own traditions/practice.

#spiritwork #hedgewitch #greywitchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm on chapter 7 of The book and I absolutely adore it already. I love how its written, I love what its trying to help you with and the topic matter! Ahh its so true of me in the pages and I just absolutely love it!

Its so good!

#rebelwitch #witchcraft #hedgewitch #forestwitch #nightwitch #moonwitch #moonchild

Last updated 2 years ago

Initiated a for my husband this morning as well. He needs it.

And I immediately noticed the candle wax burning down and the flame dancing. It was such a good feeling.

White is here and shes going to help him 🥰❤️

#healingspell #spellwork #divination #spells #witchcraft #hedgewitch #forestwitch #rebelwitch #moonwitch #nightwitch

Last updated 2 years ago

First read of the new year and White my did not disappoint

I asked for guidance & a new years message and I am happy with this.

She says: My dreams are attainable, Dont be worried what others think of my path and what I'm doing; that no matter what I have to work for it but I will get my dreams. That everything will become good this year

I feel comfort and love from this reading too

#tarot #spiritguide #hedgewitch #rebelwitch #forestwitch #moonwitch #divination #lightseers

Last updated 2 years ago

I posted this inside my video the other day but wanted to share it again because I just love watching the smoke. Its so beautiful to me. ❤️


#spell #healingspell #spellwork #candle #hedgewitch #rebelwitch #forestwitch #nightwitch #moonwitch

Last updated 2 years ago