
> "the wild inflation (…) never emerged"

Asset inflation is still . The in how it's measured (by removing ) are signs of a collapsing system vying to maintain ppl's confidence. Anyway inflation has emerged, and has signs of not going away anytime soon, in fact acceleration seems inevitable, but that is our opinion taking into account only want we (DSFGS) have learned.

@jollyrogue @feld @fuzzychef @sjvn @oneiros @ariadne

#inflation #hedonicAdjustments #assetinflation

Last updated 2 years ago

This discussion gets to the meat and potatoes very quickly.

The low inflation in the past decade is false, again CPI gets so things that do go up in price, like are omitted from the .

Products on shelves being kept somewhat cheap is a by-product of , precarious just in time structures, abuses, and migrant abuse, outright and…1/2

#hedonicAdjustments #assets #environmental #basketOfGoods #offshoring #humantrafficking #fraud

Last updated 3 years ago