Random quote: "Self-consciousness starts with despair." #philosophy
#Hegel: A Complete Guide to History
Here's the next commentary video in the Half Hour Hegel series. With this one, we've got 4 more paragraphs left in the Phenomenology of Spirit
#Video #Hegel #Philosophy #Spirit #Idealism #Phenomenology #Commentary #Absolute #Knowing #Consciousness
#consciousness #knowing #absolute #commentary #phenomenology #idealism #spirit #philosophy #hegel #video
»#Bier treibt auf Urin.« - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich #Hegel, Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften II, § 365.
#AnDiesemTag vor 253 Jahren wurde der Philosoph er geboren.
Mit Hegelkenntnis wird die Welt schnell verständlicher – anlässlich des 253. Geburtstags von #Hegel heute empfehlen wir Dietmar Daths Würdigung des großen Dialektikers aus der UZ vom 28. August 2020 zur erneuten Lektüre: https://buff.ly/3YL7wSp #AndiesemTag
Years back, on G.W.F. Hegel's birthday, I wrote down some reflections about aspects of his philosophy often not discussed that I particularly appreciate. For his birthday today, I've reworked it and republished it
#Hegel #Philosophy #Practical #Birthday
#birthday #practical #philosophy #hegel
Usually I release these Half Hour Hegel videos first to Patreon supporters of the project, but since it's Hegel's birthday today, I figured I'd release this straight to the public. Long paragraph, so a long commentary!
#Hegel #Video #Commentary #Absolute #Philosophy #Phenomenology #Spirit #Knowing
#knowing #spirit #phenomenology #philosophy #absolute #commentary #video #hegel
Hegel: "Geist ist geil!"
Wir haben da mal was zusammengeschnitten
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyyS0BwMLhg #Hegel #PhänomenologieDesGeistes
#hegel #phanomenologiedesgeistes
Teilchen / Welle Problem? Sie haben dem Beobachter die Schuld gegeben. Uhhh. "Ist der Mond auch da, wenn keiner hinschaut?" Albert war verwirrt. Und hat sich geirrt. Bell Theorem: "Realismus und Lokalität." Kopenhagener Deutung. Teilchen / Welle / Beobachter.
#hegel #phanomenologiedesgeistes
Here's the next Half Hour Hegel commentary video. Long paragraph of the Phenomenology, with a lot going on, so likewise a longer video!
#Video #Hegel #Spirit #Absolute #Phenomenology #Philosophy #Idealism
#idealism #philosophy #phenomenology #absolute #spirit #hegel #video
Bist Du nur eine Biomaschine? Ein Hamster? Geboren, um zu arbeiten, im Hamsterrad?
Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?
Anders gefragt:
Wenn Hegels "Die Welt ist Geist." die These ist,
und der Materialismus die Antithese ist,
was ist dann die Synthese?
#heartbeats #metaphysik #hegel #kant #philosophie #followyourbliss
#metaphysik #hegel #kant #philosophie #followyourbliss #heartbeats
Hegel: Geist ist geil!
Hegel is a life sentence! But one has to love him! #philosophy #psychoanalysis #sociology #hegel #germany #germanidealism #dialectic #academia #academicmastodon #university #proflife
#philosophy #psychoanalysis #sociology #hegel #germany #germanidealism #dialectic #academia #academicmastodon #university #proflife
Other than my monthly update, I haven't shot any new videos since getting sick. I did produce this Half Hour Hegel video last month & release it to supporters. So if anyone's been jonesing for new philosophy content, there's this
#Hegel #Commentary #Video #Phenomenology #Spirit #Absolute #Philosophy
#philosophy #absolute #spirit #phenomenology #video #commentary #hegel
Esta obra é um manual que estuda os principais pensadores do período iniciado no fim do século XIV (morte de Petrarca) e que se estende à metade do século XIX. Portanto, vai do Humanismo-Renascimento (cap.1) a #Hegel (cap. 27), abrangendo boa parte do programa de filosofia para o ensino médio e o conteúdo de várias disciplinas dos cursos de graduação em #filosofia. Apresenta, além disso, roteiros inéditos de pesquisa, como: as disciplinas e o programa de estudos das escolas na Europa moderna, explicitando a formação dos filósofos dessa época; a modalidade de comunicação – correspondência, academias, círculos científicos – entre os pensadores dos diversos países europeus; as questões e os conceitos filosóficos mais recorrentes, como atomismo, jusnaturalismo, ratio studiorum, #liberalismo, #idealismo alemão. A obra contribui para a formação em sentido amplo, pois, além de oferecer as informações mais importantes sobre os pensadores do período moderno, é capaz de despertar o interesse dos estudantes na medida em que é também um excelente guia para a iniciação científica. Organizadora Giulia #Belgioioso, professora titular, lecionou história da filosofia na Universidade do Salento e na Universidade de Paris Sorbonne. Foi fundadora e primeira diretora do Centro de Estudos sobre Descartes e o século XVII “Ettore Lojacono” (Lecce).
#hegel #filosofia #liberalismo #idealismo #Belgioioso
Here's the next commentary video in the Half Hour Hegel series. With this one, we make it into paragraph 800 of his Phenomenology of Spirit. Just 8 more paragraphs to work through now!
#Hegel #Phenomenology #Spirit #Philosophy #Video #Absolute #Knowing
#knowing #absolute #video #philosophy #spirit #phenomenology #hegel
Went in and updated this list of links to all of the Half Hour Hegel videos released so far. They're organized by sections of the work. I'm expecting to finish up the entire project this Summer!
#Hegel #Commentary #Videos #Resources #Phenomenology #Spirit
#spirit #phenomenology #resources #videos #commentary #hegel
Good questions by Josh Lalonde. #Hegel #Lawvere #categorytheory
The material about this topic is scarce.
#categorytheory #lawvere #hegel
I've been making good progress this month in the Half Hour Hegel commentary series. Here's one of the videos released earlier to supporters of the project, now available to the public!
#Hegel #Commentary #Video #Absolute #Knowing #Phenomenology #Spirit
#spirit #phenomenology #knowing #absolute #video #commentary #hegel