This Is a result of America's Hegemonic Approach to dealing with a Multipolar World! #usa #hegemony
People who know about the concept of #Hegemony, please help me translate for tenth graders. Would it be correct usage of the work to ask "What are the sources of hegemony" for the state and ruling class in given society? And does Hegemony include coercion or just the no-coercive persuasive sources? Grateful for help.
The Problem Isn't a Housing Shortage, It's the Concentration of Ownership by the Wealthy
This concentration of housing ownership by the wealthy is the direct result of Federal Reserve and federal policies that benefit the wealthy...
#housingcrisis #hegemony #ownership #classwar #wealthy #federalreserve #classwarpolicies #government #capitalism #homeless
#housingcrisis #hegemony #ownership #classwar #wealthy #federalreserve #classwarpolicies #government #capitalism #homeless
Now preparing to cook dinner and listening to part 2 of Hegemony Now with Jeremy Gilbert at @poltheoryother
#ClassWar #TheLeft #hegemony #Gramsci (in part 1) #LeftPolitics #media #neoliberalism #UKPolitics #Blairism
#classwar #TheLeft #hegemony #gramsci #leftpolitics #media #neoliberalism #UKPolitics #Blairism
Now preparing to cook dinner and listening to part 2 of Hegemony Now with Jeremy Gilbert at @poltheoryother
#ClassWar #TheLeft #hegemony #Gramsci (in part 1) #LeftPolitics #media #neoliberalism
#classwar #TheLeft #hegemony #gramsci #leftpolitics #media #neoliberalism
Now preparing to cook dinner and listening to part 2 of Hegemony Now with Jeremy Gilbert at @poltheoryother
#classwar #TheLeft #hegemony #gramsci #leftpolitics #media
Exarcheia: A year of occupation and the struggle for public space - Freedom News
While the permanent police presence in the heart of Exarcheia is worrying in some ways, it is less dangerous than the future heralded by the construction work.
The residents of Exarcheia are not alone in their struggle to defend their neighbourhood from the economic forces rapidly reshaping Greece. The combined effects of property investment, privatisation and unchecked tourism are making themselves felt across the country.
#resistance #greece #exarcheia #hegemony #privatisation #exploitation #neoliberalism #predatorycapitalism
#resistance #greece #exarcheia #hegemony #privatisation #exploitation #neoliberalism #predatorycapitalism
@ellieraeuk Agree!
I'm hoping the Enterprise gets refit to the #TOS version. I can imagine it sustaining damage in #Hegemony and later episodes.
Perhaps the smooth skin is an update to the hill materials.
Got up at seven on a Sunday so I could play a complex simulation of class conflict. Yes, this is my idea of fun.
#boardgames #hegemony #powertothepeople
OnlineFirst - "Urban governance in the age of austerity: Crises of neoliberal hegemony in comparative perspective" by @profjsdavies:
#austerity #governance #neoliberalism #hegemony #interregnum
#austerity #governance #neoliberalism #hegemony #interregnum
@Nika2022 @kenji not to mention pushing for the #Hegemony in #Cyberspace aka. #NOBUS by literally restrictiong #Encryption.
#ITAR & #WassenaarArrangement are literal Crimes against Humanity!
#wassenaararrangement #itar #Encryption #nobus #cyberspace #hegemony
#Dedollarization leads to the complete destruction of the #USA economy and the end of its global #hegemony
#dedollarization #USA #hegemony
@Elizafox I'd sus the numbers on both.
Espechally on #Facebook since that'll include a shitload ob abandoned and/or corporate accounts...
The thread of the :fediverse: is that it may persist and outlive :facebook: just like it already outlived #tumblr, :birdsite: :twitter: and how #XMPP & #IRC outlived #AIM, :icq: and will outlive :discord: ...
Furthermore they are #PRISM members to this day and thus get financial incentives to sabotage competitors threatening #NOBUS #hegemony...
#hegemony #nobus #prism #aim #IRC #XMPP #tumblr #Facebook
#PlainEnglish: The ugly #truth about #Kissinger is that he isn’t a #unique #monster. He is an unusually plainspoken #representative of a #monstrous #system of US global #hegemony
#plainenglish #truth #kissinger #unique #monster #representative #monstrous #system #hegemony
"The clear danger, the paper said, is that such supposed “intelligence” is based on huge data sets that “overrepresent hegemonic viewpoints and encode biases potentially damaging to marginalised populations”. Put more bluntly, AI threatens to deepen the dominance of a way of thinking that is white, male, comparatively affluent and focused on the US and Europe."
#AI #hegemony #smuggledassumptions
#smuggledassumptions #hegemony #ai
every second Sunday #Podcast #FutureHistories S02E47 - Matt Huber on Building Socialism, Climate Change & Class War
#MattHuber, #Interview, #JanGroos, #FutureHistories, #FutureHistoriesInternational, #DemocraticPlanning, #ClimateChange, #Transition, #Environment, #Hegemony, #Energy, #Degrowth, #Nature, #Class, #EconomicPlanning, #Capital, #Limits, #Socialism, #ecosocialism, #communism, #Marxism, #ClassStruggle, #TheGoodAnthropocene, #ThePeoplesRepublicOfWalmart, #Verso
Episode transcripts can be found at
#verso #thepeoplesrepublicofwalmart #thegoodanthropocene #classstruggle #marxism #communism #ecosocialism #socialism #limits #capital #EconomicPlanning #class #nature #degrowth #energy #hegemony #environment #transition #climatechange #democraticplanning #futurehistoriesinternational #jangroos #interview #matthuber #futurehistories #podcast
The traditional inverse relationship between the value of the #dollar and global #commodities has broken down over the last two years. There is nothing 'natural' about the dollar system.
"the dollar system ... is not in itself equal, balanced or unpolitical. Rather it is highly unequal, crisis-prone and constantly changing."
If we have to live within #capitalism, then #monetary #multipolarity would probably be less damaging than the current #dollar #hegemony .
#hegemony #multipolarity #monetary #capitalism #commodities #dollar
The Brexit Disaster: A Tale of Five Prime Ministers – Byline Times
#brexit #UKPMs #ukgov #pm #PMS #hegemony #cameron #May #johnson #Truss #Sunak
Gabriel Kolko on U. S. dominance over Latin America in the start of the 1920s.
This book is extremely illuminating on modern American history (until 1976, when this book was first published).
#gabrielkolko #usa #latinamerica #hegemony