#Military #aircraft is entering the airspace.
Model: Boeing C-17A Globemaster III
Callsign: #RCH194
Operator: #United States Air Force
Altitude: 30000 ft
First seen above: #Hei- en Boeicop
First seen: 2023-07-19 10:47:31
Last seen: 2023-07-19 11:04:50
#military #aircraft #rch194 #united #hei #follow
Kotaku: Spy x Family’s Loid Actor Says His Favorite Anime Scene Isn’t In The Manga https://kotaku.com/spy-x-family-loid-forger-anime-manga-takuya-eguchi-1850599336 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #tohoanimation #jujutsukaisen #takuyaeguchi #cloverworks #shonenmanga #spyfamily #witstudio #comedy #anime #loid #anya #spy #hei #yor
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #tohoanimation #jujutsukaisen #takuyaeguchi #cloverworks #shonenmanga #SPYFAMILY #witstudio #comedy #anime #loid #anya #spy #hei #yor
Sandra Schön, Reinhard Tockner & Martin Ebner (Hrsg.) (2023). Zum Stand von Open Educational Resources (OER) an österreichischen Hochschulen, Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria. https://fnma.at/content/download/2671/16104 #OER #OpenEducation #OpenScience #Austria #HEI @sandra_schoen
#oer #openeducation #openscience #austria #hei
By the way. Pickings from my news stream. (India edition)
Selected news about Higher Education in India: Numbers continue to grow + Push for campuses of foreign HEIs + Digital Central Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) becomes mandatory + Regression in India’s Academic Freedom Index score
#HigherEducation #HEI #universities #india #globalsouth #news
#highereducation #hei #universities #india #globalsouth #news
#StateofGlobalAir is a data and information site collaboration of the Health Effects Institute #HEI, #UW Institute of Health Metrics & Evaluation #IHME, and #UBC School of Population & #PublicHealth. It covers all things #worldwide #toxic #airpollution-related. Latest annual #PM25 data for #Cambodia,
1.UCL PM2.5=33.1 ug/m^3
2.UCL PM2.5-related xs deaths=5680
3.UCL PM2.5 - 27% above #ASEAN, 183% above W. #Europe, 307% above #Australasia, 329% above N. #America.
#stateofglobalair #hei #uw #ihme #ubc #publichealth #worldwide #toxic #airpollution #pm25 #cambodia #ASEAN #europe #Australasia #america
#GoodMorning #Bonjour #Tag #Greetings #Hallo #Hei
"What are ya at?"
#GoodMorning #bonjour #tag #greetings #hallo #hei
How do your universities contract external consultants?
In the #UK, I have come across 2 ways: 1. a range of external consultancy contracts between the #HEI (Higher Education Institute) and the consultant; 2. an intermediary agency that liaises between the HEI and the consultant, whereby the agency presumably receives a fee for handling the the contractual arrangements.
#uk #hei #highereducation #casualcontracts #academicconsultancy
RT @PattyKostkova
#UCUstrike #UCURising #UCUpicket @UCL_UCU @ucu
Great solidarity on the picket today! Defend the free #HEI 👍 @UCL_dPHE @dr_Pesco https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1596118943110148098
#ucustrike #ucurising #ucupicket #hei