Linda Sgoluppi Artist · @lindasgoluppiart
424 followers · 2934 posts · Server

I've noticed that each day the smallish herd of heifers in the field each day has one heifer that spends time away from the others. It's a different heifer each day. I've wondered if the separateness is self-imposed or if the head decides each day who's going to be Billy no mates that day.

#heifers #bovines #mastodon #fediverse #LindaSgoluppiArt

Last updated 2 years ago

Linda Sgoluppi Artist · @lindasgoluppiart
418 followers · 2913 posts · Server
Renee · @Renay
147 followers · 90 posts · Server

🚗+🐮 :

“Like a Club event at the state fair, the premium mkt…attracts cute little from all over: Sweden (), Japan (), Germany (), US () & South Korea ()…no matter how primped & polished the contestants, when they enter the ring, they become 🐄 livestock - commoditized, consumable. Discerning judges look past the braided tails & cow mascara. It’s about the beef on the hoof…the GV70 might as well be Babe the Blue Ox.” 👀

#genesis #hyundai #lincoln #Audi #lexus #volvo #heifers #crossover #4h #wsj #danneil

Last updated 2 years ago