Queda mucho que andar disfrutando y estar aprovechando el miércoles y que mejor con unas deliciosas #Heineken
I read that #Heineken sold its Russian assets for €1. Yet another excellent reason to drink Heineken.
Het is een beetje als mosterd na de maaltijd maar toch.
#Heineken was bij het afstoten van haar activiteiten in Rusland erg begaan met het lot van haar werknemers aldaar. Ik hoor daar meer bedrijven over mauwen.
Het valt mij op dat ik dat soort berichten nooit hoor als ze van personeel af willen, om wat voor reden dan ook.
Nada mejor que llegar del trabajo y que te reciban con esa delicia ☺️☺️🤭🤭🫶🏼🫶🏼🍻 #heineken
Beer giant #Heineken has shut down all of its operations in Russia for just one euro. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/8/25/dutch-brewer-heineken-completes-its-withdrawal-from-russia-takes-325m-hit
#Heineken on myynyt Venäjän kalja- ja kiljupisneksensä yhden euron hintaan.
Pyyntöhintana kuulemma oli tyypillisen tuopillisen verran, eli rapsakat 8€. 🍺
#myytnikate #oluttuoppi #tuoppi #kalja #heineken
#Heineken sells #Russia business for the symbolic sum of $1 – The deal with Russia’s Arnest Group comes after Moscow seized the local assets of Danish beer rival #Carlsberg - chart @WSJecon https://tinyurl.com/mv5ymkt2
#Heineken sells its assets in russia #Ukraine #USA #UK #EU #Europe #Czech #Poland #Lithuania #Latvia #Estonia #Germany #France #Austria #Hungary #Romania #Switzerland #Canada #Slovakia #Italy #Ireland #Europe #Netherlands #Japan #Australia #Finland #Sweden #Denmark #Iceland #Norway #Spain #NATO #StandWithUkraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3753141-heineken-sells-its-assets-in-russia.html
#heineken #ukraine #usa #uk #eu #europe #czech #poland #lithuania #latvia #estonia #germany #france #austria #hungary #romania #switzerland #canada #slovakia #Italy #ireland #Netherlands #japan #australia #finland #sweden #denmark #iceland #norway #spain #nato #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#Heineken sells off Russian beer business for €1
#StandWithUkraine #RussiaAggression #RussianCrimes #Dictatorship #Surveillance #Censorship #RussianWarCrimes #FreeNavalny #PutinsWar #Muscovy #Russia
#russia #muscovy #PutinsWar #freeNavalny #RussianWarCrimes #censorship #surveillance #dictatorship #RussianCrimes #RussiaAggression #StandWithUkraine #heineken
#Heineken (Dutch beer maker) has finally sold off its Russian business and get this, for 1 dollar
They take a ‘loss’ of 300m but how much did they earn with the new products they launched on the Russian market when most other western businesses halted in Russia
Ouch, ouch, Heineken. What a mess
#Heineken sells off russian beer business for €1
- nearly a year and a half after first pledging to do so
The #Dutch brewer said it will take a loss of €300m on the division, which is being offloaded to russia's Arnest, which makes aerosol cans.
Heineken's Dolf van den Brink said: "It took much longer than we had hoped."
For €1, Arnest will buy seven breweries and take on 1,800 workers with guarantees to employ them for the next three years
Read more here🔗 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66616161
Ich bin kein Fan von #Heineken. Dass sich der Konzern aus #Russland nun endgültig zurückgezogen hat, finde ich gut. Daran können sich viele Unternehmen in Österreich ein Beispiel nehmen. Hier dominiert das Geld die Moral. #Sanktionen
#sanktionen #russland #heineken
Heineken verkauft alle Unternehmensanteile in Russland
Der in der Kritik stehende Heineken verlässt nun endgültig den russischen Markt. Für einen symbolischen Euro verkaufte der Konzerne unter anderem seine sieben Brauereien an die Arnest Group.
#Heineken #Bier #Brauereien #Rückzug #Russland #UkraineKrieg
#heineken #bier #brauereien #ruckzug #russland #ukrainekrieg
#Heineken selger den ruzzizke virksomheten for 1 euro #norsktut https://www.nrk.no/nyheter/heineken-trekker-seg-ut-av-russland-1.16529403
#Heineken announced the sale of its assets in #Russia
The buyer was the largest Russian manufacturer of perfumery, cosmetics and household products in aerosol packaging, the Arnest group. The transaction amount was 1 euro.
Under the terms of the deal, the buyer is obliged to repay the intra-group debt of the Russian business to the Heineken concern in the amount of about 100 million euros.
Heineken acknowledged that "the deal would result in an expected total cumulative loss of €300 mil
Heineken sells Russian operation for €1