I'm still hesitant about #Traveller and #PiratesofyDrinax. I don't think I can resist much longer. While many are drawn to the past (that never was) and dark(est) dungeons, I'm drawn to the future and the stars. On the side I make a detour to the "fantastic Middle Ages" of the last (30) #Templars, one of my next #ttrpg books will be:
Why do I get #ArsMagica vibes?!
#traveller #piratesofydrinax #templars #ttrpg #heirstoheresy #faithandfear #coveroftheday #arsmagica #pnp #rpg #mythiceurope #scifi #knights
#nowplaying: #DEADCANDANCE - #TheHostofSeraphim
Back in the day (aka the 80s and the 90s), we used #DCD as our #ttrpg background music. Nowadays, I would use them for the opening credits
for fantasy medieval games like #WFRP #Harn #HeirsToHeresy...
I saw them live at a opera, a very memorable concert. Inspiring stuff beyond our gaming table(s)...
#nowplaying #DeadCanDance #thehostofseraphim #DCD #ttrpg #WFRP #harn #heirstoheresy #noise23 #ambient #neoclassic
@lategamer Enjoy, in my opinion, #OspreyGames has some neat #boardgames and #ttrpg. Right now, I‘m digging #HeirstoHeresy, a #ttrpg about the fall of the #knighttemplars. It‘s certainly not perfect, I like the basic concept and some ideas. As far as I know, there is nothing we couldn’t with some #houserules.
#ospreygames #boardgames #ttrpg #heirstoheresy #knighttemplars #houserules
I‘m interested in playing #OspreyGames‘ #HeirstoHeresy: The Fall of the #KnightsTemplar: A #ttrpg.
Back in the day, I worked for some hobby distributors/publishers and comic stores in Frankfurt, Germany. While #superheroes were part of my jobs, I never got into them. I always prefered other stuff like #Templar.
It‘s #ttrpg research and preparation at same time. There worse things in life…
#ospreygames #heirstoheresy #knightstemplar #ttrpg #superheroes #templar
@Eatsbluecrayon Ja, da ist der Haken. #HeirstoHeresy ist amerikanisch und m. E. zu #woke.
#Cyberpunk2013 und #HackthePlanet sind auch sehr politisch, aber ohne diesen duseligen Dauerzeigefinger. Die Prämisse bleibt sehr, sehr großartig, finde ich. Da steckt ne fantastische #HerosJourney drin. Enjoy.
#heirstoheresy #woke #Cyberpunk2013 #hacktheplanet #herosjourney
#HeirstoHeresy (#Ospreygames, #AlanBahr): A #ttrpg that currently interests me a lot. Certainly not perfect, the woken teachings bother me. Apart from this super-teacherly fuss, the fall of the #KnightsTemplar offers a fantastic foundation for great role-playing moments. Fantasy, history and everything in between paired with a rather simple system and a very strong theme that is as clear as it is open. Friday 13th Oct. 1307, you are one of the #Thirty (#JohnWick, anyone?)… Survive. Enjoy.
#heirstoheresy #ospreygames #alanbahr #ttrpg #knightstemplar #thirty #JohnWick