d4doome · @d4doome
650 followers · 1654 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The Asphalt Jungle (1950), John Huston’s faithful and excellent adaptation of W.R. Burnett’s great novel. An excellent film noir about a heist. Fine performance by Sterling Hayden. Marilyn Monroe has a bit part.

My review: dfordoom-movieramblings.blogsp

#classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #noir #filmnoir #crimemovie #crimemovies #heistmovies #wrburnett #marilynmonroe #johnhuston #sterlinghayden

Last updated 1 year ago

d4doome · @d4doome
576 followers · 1471 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Raoul Walsh's High Sierra (1941) made stars of both Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino and it's an important proto-noir. Bogart and Lupino are both mixed up in a disastrous bank robbery and then they're on the run in the great outdoors.

Lacks the true noir visual style but it's a great movie.

My review: dfordoom-movieramblings.blogsp

#classicmovies #classicmovie #1940smovie #goldenagehollywood #noir #filmnoir #HumphreyBogart #idalupino #RaoulWalsh #crimemovie #crimemovies #heistmovies

Last updated 2 years ago

d4doome · @d4doome
51 followers · 45 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Tip Not Included (Die Rechnung – eiskalt serviert, 1966), fourth of the German crime thrillers starring George Nader as ace G-Man Jerry Cotton. It's a heist movie and the heist is done well. A solid modestly budgeted crime thriller done with a reasonable amount of style and energy. Not the best of the Jerry Cotton movies but entertaining.

My review: dfordoom-movieramblings.blogsp


#jerrycotton #heistmovies #capermovies #eurocult #georgenader

Last updated 2 years ago