The neighbor asked me if I got chickens because their dog keeps "finding" chicken eggs and eating them. The dog is fine, they just wanted to make sure she wasn't busting into someone's coop.
I pretended like I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure I know what's happening to my Deipnon offerings! 😅
It's totally appropriate for a dog to get my offering to Hekate, I'm pleased about that, but I don't want the poor thing to get sick. Do I hard boil the egg? Bury it? Break it? What would you do with an egg offering to make it safer? I'm looking for ideas for Thursday's New Moon.
Io Hekate! May her light shine strongest during the darkest moon. #hekate #newmoon #offerings
Hekate's Ladder inspired by that described in the Hekataeon, with twenty-nine beads of bone, four brass rattlesnake vertebrae, eight volcanic stone beads, twelve garnet beads, and a brass central medallion, flower bell, and antique key.
Each piece is hand made with unique variations. No two keys, flowers, vertebrae, or beads are identical, and the hand casting techniques that produce the Hekatae talisman (the same two-sided Hekate talisman I sell individually) likewise produce unique results.
These talismans are not consecrated. That task is yours, in accordance with the Book of the White Flame or the instructions provided by your gods and familiar spirits.
Each piece comes with a box to store the talisman in while it is sleeping.
#OccultArt #TalismanicJewelry #Hekate #Hekataeon #Witchcraft #WitchJewelry #Pagan #Jewelry #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #QueerArtist #QueerJeweler #SorcerersWorkbench
#occultart #talismanicjewelry #hekate #hekataeon #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #sorcerersworkbench
Hekate devotional pendant featuring a stylized key and pair of torches. Pendant is blank on the reverse, one inch in diameter.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
#OccultArt #TalismanicJewelry #Hekate #Witchcraft #Pagan #Jewelry #Art #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #WitchJewelry #SorcerersWorkbench
#occultart #talismanicjewelry #hekate #witchcraft #Pagan #jewelry #art #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #witchjewelry #sorcerersworkbench
Two-sided silver talisman with an image of Hekate on one side -- "O Six Hands crowning a flaming eye,/ Extending in every direction;" from Jack Grayle's Hekataeon, Rite 4: De Forma -- and her crossroads sigil, name, and six epithets in Greek -- "Hekate, Atalos, Apotropaia, Soteira, Rexichthon" -- on the reverse.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
#Occult Art #Talismanic Jewelry #Hekate #Hekataeon #Witchcraft #Pagan #Jewelry #Art #Art Jewelry #Jewelry Art #Witch Jewelry #Queer Artist #Queer Jeweler #LGBT #Sorcerers Workbench
#OccultArt #TalismanicJewelry #Hekate #Hekataeon #Witchcraft #WitchJewelry #Pagan #Jewelry #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #QueerArtist #QueerJeweler #LGBT #JewelersOfInstagram
#occult #talismanic #hekate #hekataeon #witchcraft #Pagan #jewelry #art #witch #queer #lgbt #sorcerers #occultart #talismanicjewelry #witchjewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #jewelersofinstagram
Dog-headed faux coin-style Sirius talisman designed to be consecrated as described in the 3rd Edition of the Hekataeon.
Original design commissioned by Jack Grayle based on an extant ancient coin and made available to the public with his permission.
Made of solid .925 sterling silver
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
#OccultArt #TalismanicJewelry #Hekate #Sirius #Hekataeon #Witchcraft #Pagan #Jewelry #ArtJewelry #WitchJewelry #QueerJeweler #QueerArtist #LGBT #SorcerersWorkbench
#occultart #talismanicjewelry #hekate #sirius #hekataeon #witchcraft #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #witchjewelry #queerjeweler #queerartist #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench
Ad Infinitum, annunciata la nuova data di uscita
First flush offerings to #Hekate: Red Velvet Yarrow, Spanish Red Garlic and some burned Sage to honor & thank the Goddess for a #MagicalLife
THE SACRED FEMININE IS RISING!! Do you feel it? I sure as hell do as I move through waves of both divine creativity and profound rage.
It's been a minute since I have created this design. Certainly one of my more unique and more popular ones… the sacred feminine necklace is, I think, one a lot of women can get behind right now.
If this piece speaks to you, please visit my Etsy shop.
#CreativeGoddessGoods #artist #handmadejewelry #witchyvibes #hekate #sacredfeminine #artistsofmastodon
#creativegoddessgoods #artist #handmadejewelry #WitchyVibes #hekate #sacredfeminine #artistsofmastodon
My third Deipnon, and I can already tell why some Hekatian Witches are almost monotheistic; She is all-encompassing. My kitchen magick has never felt stronger than when I make Her a meal.
I never really went outside at night during New Moons until now, and the energy is calm, creepy, grounding, primordial. Shouting Orphic Hymns at the crossroads to an empty night while the line between the air and the sky shudders with power, I am moved.
#Hekate #Witchcraft
Hecate Crowned by Fosco Culto.
#Hecate #Hekate #Paganism #GreekMythology #GrecoRomanCulture #Art
#hecate #hekate #paganism #greekmythology #grecoromanculture #art
📬 Nintendo-Switch-Hack dank Picofly-Modchip günstiger denn je
#Gaming #Jailbreaks #Atmosphère #GBAtemp #hekate #HWFly #Modchip #NintendoSwitch #Picofly #Pikofly #Rehius #RP2040Zero #TeamXecuter
#TeamXecuter #rp2040zero #rehius #pikofly #picofly #nintendoswitch #modchip #hwfly #hekate #gbatemp #atmosphere #jailbreaks #gaming
Zajímavý nápad na horor mají tvůrci ze studia Hekate. Jejich Ad Infinitum se bude věnovat německému vojákovi z 1. světové, který se po válce vrací domů. Stále ale balancuje na hranici reality a nočních můr.
#AdInfinitum #Hekate #Nacon
《グラブル》【ヘカテー】スキル • 奥義まとめ (CV:伊藤静) / 召喚演出:ヘカテー
#CV伊藤静 #hekate #ShizukaIto #Vlog #voiceactress #グラブル #グラブルヘカテースキル #グランブルーファンタジー #ヘカテー #伊藤静 #召喚演出ヘカテー #声優 #奥義まとめ #女性声優
#cv伊藤静 #hekate #shizukaito #vlog #voiceactress #グラブル #グラブルヘカテースキル #グランブルーファンタジー #ヘカテー #伊藤静 #召喚演出ヘカテー #声優 #奥義まとめ #女性声優
We are stardust and shadows.
🌑 🌒 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌘 🌑
#witchcraft #demonolatry #luciferianism #witches #witch #lilith #lilithian #hecate #hekate #occult #feminism
#witchcraft #demonolatry #luciferianism #witches #witch #lilith #lilithian #hecate #hekate #occult #feminism
#witchytips #triplemoon #themoon #keys #dogs #serpents #hekateanwitchcraft #hekate
I finished reading 'Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature' by Sarah Iles Johnston.
I enjoyed this book tremendously. Johnston expands my ideas about liminality, transitions, and boundaries and makes connections about Hekate's development and associations that have eluded me. This is a book that leaves me with a lot to think about. ❤️
#Hecate #Hekate #HekateSoteira #ChaldeanOracles #Neoplatonism
#neoplatonism #chaldeanoracles #hekatesoteira #hekate #hecate
Left an offering at the crossroads for the goddess Hecate on this new moon. #paganism #neopaganism #hecate #hekate #newmoon
#paganism #neopaganism #hecate #hekate #newmoon
My first devotional project for Hekate! I chose this design after I was inspired by a very enchanting dream.
While I stitched, I memorized the Orphic Hymn to Hekate, and I completed it last night just in time for the New Moon so I could dedicate it. Here's to my very first Deipnon, and hopefully many more to come!
Original drawing is *not* mine, I just stitched a copy of it. Credit goes to Eliza Gauger, who has a beautiful book called "Problem Glyphs" with some really powerful occult-style sigil art.
#devotionalart #Pagan #hekate #crossstitch
أنادي المحبوبة هيكاتي إنوديا (ذات مفترق الطرقات) تريوديتيس (المعبودة عند التقاء ثلاثة مسارات)؛
في السماء والأرض والبحر، أنت مُبجَّلة يا من تحتلين الزعفران.
روح القبر، تحتفلين مع أرواح من انتقلوا.
إبنة پيرسيس، تهوين الأماكن المهجورة، مبتهجة بالغزلان.
إلهة الليل، حارسة الكلاب، مفترسة الوحوش، الملكة التي لا تقهر.
تجر الثيران عربتك (أو راعية الثيران)، أنت الملكة التي تحمل مفاتيح الكون.
#arabic #Andeel #hymn #translation #hellenism
#orphic #hekate #pagan
#pagan #hekate #Orphic #hellenism #translation #hymn #andeel #arabic