Today in #Connecticut History, January 17: Hartford Takes an Electrifying Gamble on a Generator Named “Mary Ann”
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#20thcentury #asylumavenue #businessandindustry #connecticuthistory #connecticutinnovation #connecticutriver #emergenceofmodernamerica #hartford #hartfordelectriclightcompany #helco #january #maryann
#connecticut #20thcentury #asylumavenue #businessandindustry #connecticuthistory #connecticutinnovation #connecticutriver #emergenceofmodernamerica #hartford #hartfordelectriclightcompany #helco #january #maryann
We’ll that was fun. Back to work early Sunday.
We were behind one of the #HELCO (Hawaii Electric Light Company) trucks on the way home. They are our power utility provider.