#Filmfest 911 #Cinema #Film #Movie #MovingPicture #MightyAphrodite #GeliebteAphrodite #USA1995 #WoodyAllen #MiraSorvino #HelenaBonhamCarter
Geliebte Aphrodite (Mighty Aphrodite, USA 1995) #Filmfest 911
#filmfest #cinema #film #movie #movingpicture #mightyaphrodite #geliebteaphrodite #usa1995 #woodyallen #mirasorvino #helenabonhamcarter
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #ElainePaigeOnSunday
Johnny Depp & Helena Bonham Carter:
🎵 My Friends
#nowplaying #ElainePaigeOnSunday #johnnydepp #helenabonhamcarter
Helena Bonham Carter is a Sigrid fan (of course). 😸
#gatos #michis #kissa #pishi #pusa #kot #kit #chat #kedi #katze #gatto #katt #貓 #ネコ #고양이 #kucing #cats #cat #catlife #pets #catoftheday #sigrid #norwegianforestcat #london #helenabonhamcarter
#gatos #michis #kissa #pishi #pusa #kot #kit #chat #kedi #katze #gatto #katt #貓 #ネコ #고양이 #kucing #cats #cat #catlife #pets #catoftheday #sigrid #norwegianforestcat #london #helenabonhamcarter
Everybody loves tea...🍵 🌿
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #teatime #teaparty #harmnone #vegan #animism #forestwitch #peace #helenabonhamcarter
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #teatime #teaparty #harmnone #vegan #animism #forestwitch #peace #helenabonhamcarter
Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim widmet sich in „MAITHINK X“ auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage emotional aufgeladenen Debatten. Ein stotternder Thronfolger kämpft in „The King’s Speech — Die Rede des Königs“ mit seinem Handicap und der Comedian Kevin Hart versucht in „Die Hart“ zum knallharten Actionhelden zu werden.
#ColinFirth #HelenaBonhamCarter #KevinHart #MaiThiNguyenKim #WasLäuftHeute #Wissenschaft
#colinfirth #helenabonhamcarter #kevinhart #maithinguyenkim #waslauftheute #wissenschaft
36 years ago today:
Miami Vice
S3E16: Theresa
Crockett's romantic entanglement with a heroin-addicted doctor jeopardizes his case against a dealer.
Airdate: 1987-02-13
#MiamiVice #BradDourif #HelenaBonhamCarter #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#miamivice #braddourif #helenabonhamcarter #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
36 years ago today:
Miami Vice
S3E16: Theresa
Crockett's romantic entanglement with a heroin-addicted doctor jeopardizes his case against a dealer.
Airdate: 1987-02-13
#MiamiVice #BradDourif #HelenaBonhamCarter #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#miamivice #braddourif #helenabonhamcarter #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
MAN TROUBLE: It is easy to forget just how big #Crossroads star #NoeleGordon was in the 1970s & 80s. #RussellTDavies & #HelenaBonhamCarter are determined to remind us in the #ITVx series #Nolly. But do they strike the right tone with the three part miniseries?.. https://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2023/02/man-trouble-nolly.html #miniseries #britishtv #birmingham #streaming #ITV #midlands #soapopera
#crossroads #noelegordon #russelltdavies #helenabonhamcarter #itvx #nolly #miniseries #BritishTV #birmingham #streaming #itv #Midlands #soapopera
After listening to interviews with #RussellTDavies and #HelenaBonhamCarter on #BBC6Music recently, I decided to give #Nolly a watch. Was aware of Noele Gordon as a teenager, but never watched Crossroads. That didn’t matter. This was just brilliant storytelling and acting combined.
#nolly #bbc6music #helenabonhamcarter #RussellTDavies
❤️📺 'Nolly' (2023) is a British three-part biographical miniseries, created by Russell T Davies, starring Helena Bonham Carter as Crossroads star Noele Gordon.#tv #helenabonhamcarter #uk
Pink News: The colourful story of how forgotten Crossroads star Noele Gordon became a gay icon https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/01/31/nolly-itv-noele-gordon-gay-icon/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #helenabonhamcarter #russelltdavies #Culture #nolly #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #helenabonhamcarter #RussellTDavies #Culture #nolly #TV
“The curse of being young is you take your complex too seriously. Or you take your opinion of yourself too seriously. As soon as you’re a bit older, you tell the demons to shut up because they’re boring.” #helenabonhamcarter
Really enjoyed this interview with Helena Bonham Carter. As I get closer to 40, I find myself absorbing any wisdom (maybe hope?) from older women that I can find.
💬 "I’ve got so many issues, but as you get older you go: 'Whatever.' The curse of being young is you take your complex too seriously... As soon as you’re a bit older, you tell the demons to shut up because they’re boring."
#Quotes #Women #Career #HelenaBonhamCarter #Films #Movies #Over40 #Over50
#quotes #women #career #helenabonhamcarter #films #movies #over40 #over50
Very looking forward to this. #Crossroads #ClassicTV #RussellTDavies #HelenaBonhamCarter #Nolly https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/jan/13/nolly-russell-t-davies-crossroads-drama-helena-bonham-carter
#nolly #helenabonhamcarter #RussellTDavies #classictv #crossroads
In today's review, I wont to make a monkey out of you! As I attempt a #positive review of the 2001 remake of the 60s classic Planet of the Apes
#PaulGiamatti http://therealmrpositive.com/2022/12/29/planet-of-the-apes-2001/
#positive #markwahlberg #timroth #helenabonhamcarter #MichaelClarkeDuncan #KrisKristofferson #estellawarren #PaulGiamatti
#jkrowling #transgender #trans #meme #goth #timburton #helenabonhamcarter #terf
#KathyBurke was right about #HelenaBonhamCarter
#kathyburke #helenabonhamcarter
#HelenaBonhamCarter is wrong. There is no #CancelCulture. #JKRowling still gets to write books and have an audience, even after she alienated all her former #trans fans. The only reason #FantasticBeasts failed is because it just really isn't that good. It’s not cancel culture it’s just bad #movies.
Freedom of speech has consequences and losing fans and respect of others is part of that.
#Movies #fantasticbeasts #Trans #jkrowling #CancelCulture #helenabonhamcarter
#HelenaBonhamCarter is wrong. There is no #CancelCulture. #JKRowling still gets to write books and have an audience, even after she alienated all her former #trans fans. The only reason #FantasticBeasts failed is because it just really isn't that good. It’s not cancel culture it’s just bad #movies.
Freedom of speech has consequences and losing fans and respect of others is part of that.
#Movies #fantasticbeasts #Trans #jkrowling #CancelCulture #helenabonhamcarter