#helenLewis in fine form as usual #bluestocking
Have I Got News for You S65 E10. Clive Myrie. 16 June 23
#CliveMyrie is guest host, with panellists #MunyaChawawa and #HelenLewis joining team captains #PaulMerton and #IanHislop.
#hignfy #satire #clivemyrie #munyachawawa #helenlewis #paulmerton #ianhislop
I encountered #HelenLewis’ work for the first time when she conducted the first (and perhaps still only) honest adversarial interview with #JordanPeterson back in 2018. It was a pleasure to see someone wrestling with Peterson’s ideas and strongly challenging some of them from a place of rigour and curiosity.
Today I listened to Helen Lewis on #BariWeiss’ podcast, and definitely she’s a thinker and an author worth following:
#jordanpeterson #helenlewis #bariweiss
"The paradox of freedom, Florida style, is that it’s really an assertion of control. *People like us should be free to do what we want, and free to stop other people from doing what they want when we don’t approve.* That’s why it would be deeply unfair to call Ron DeSantis a petty tyrant. If he is a tyrant, he is an expansive one." #HelenLewis https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/05/ron-desantis-florida-state-politics-gop/673489/
Kotaku: I Love 'The Worst' Video Game Ranking List Of All Time https://kotaku.com/i-love-the-worst-video-game-ranking-list-of-all-time-1850170583 #gaming #tech #kotaku #charliebrooker #creativeworks #marioodyssey #lucyprebble #helenlewis #videogames #mariokart #farcry4 #mario #suzie
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #charliebrooker #creativeworks #marioodyssey #lucyprebble #helenlewis #videogames #mariokart #farcry4 #mario #suzie
#Journalist #HelenLewis investigates why people are listening to self-appointed narcissistic top knobheads
#thenewgurus #Podcast #Journalist #helenlewis