Ganga · @LifeTimeCooking
755 followers · 2610 posts · Server

🧵 3/Gluten-Free Mediterranean/ Helen Tzouganatos ⬆️

Although this book focuses on gluten-free, the recipes are delicious enough even for people not concerned about gluten. There are risottos, beautiful soups, bright salads amongst many favourites. Spanakopita. Mejadra.Falafel. Stuffed bullhorn peppers/capsicums. Veg Moussaka. Dolmades. And sweet things galore.

And, oh my, the Cypriot Haloumi Bread!!!

I recommend this book for anyone interested in healthy eating and gorgeous fresh food.

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Last updated 1 year ago

Ganga · @LifeTimeCooking
755 followers · 2609 posts · Server

🧵 2/Gluten-Free Mediterranean/ Helen Tzouganatos ⬆️

The cover is bright and quirky, the book is richly illustrated with mouth-watering pics, and the paper is matt-enough to scribble your inspirational thoughts on. The index is better than the previous book reviewed ⬆️ (which was minimal) - this one lists both recipe names and common ingredients.

There are a few pages on gluten-free diets and ingredients suitable for Mediterranean cooking, but it is not extensive. It assumes you have some knowledge about gluten-free diets in general.

As it happens, most of the recipes are also dairy-free. All recipes are clearly marked for these, and for Vegetarian and Vegan dishes.

She talks about her approach and TV show here:

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Last updated 1 year ago

Ganga · @LifeTimeCooking
755 followers · 2608 posts · Server

🧵 1/Gluten-Free Mediterranean/ Helen Tzouganatos

Since we have been in Italy ⬆️ , let's stay in the same general area with this book. While more Greek-oriented than not, and written by a 2nd Generation Greek-Australlian, it is such a fabulous book.

Gluten-Free Mediterranean, by Helen Tzouganatos
Published: 2023
Publisher: Pan McMillan Australia
Pages: 222
Price: Around $29, but always check around as prices vary. E-book version is cheaper

Helen T hosts a show on SBS focusing on the same topic. Although growing up in Australia, she lived in migrant-rich parts of Sydney and collected recipes from all she came in contact with.

It is a challenge for vegetarians who need or wish to further restrict their diets - gluten-free or dairy-free or sugar-free, or some combination of those. You begin to run out of options. However, in this book, Helen T has a good balance of vegetarian and non-vegetarian.

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Last updated 1 year ago