ottoto · @ottoto2017
132 followers · 2180 posts · Server

「なぜ はあなたが思っているよりも近づいているのか 」: UNDECIDED

「 プラズマを閉じ込めて加熱するために磁気コイルや蒸気駆動のピストンに賭けている とは異なり、 は 26 は別の武器を利用しています...文字通り...彼らの新しいパルス点火は発射体核融合と呼ばれ、慣性閉じ込め核融合(ICF)という古い概念を発射します。」


Microsoft はHelion から電力供給を受ける契約提携。2028年までに稼働する予定で、1年間の立ち上げ期間を経て50メガワット以上の発電を目標とするという。

#核融合 #helion #generalfusion #firstlight #prattohome #undecided

Last updated 1 year ago

Red Faster · @RedFaster
36 followers · 737 posts · Server

So this reactor looks to me far more viable than the as multiple iterations could be produced with the limited resources one planet has to offer.

Kind of fun.

#helion #nuclearfusion #tokomak

Last updated 2 years ago

Serena Jones · @SerenaJ
312 followers · 130 posts · Server

I'm currently working on Michael Fredholm von Essen's latest for Helion: Charles X's Wars vol 3 (Danish Wars 1657-1660). My best guess as a production elf is that you'll see this late Jan, but I don't make the scheduling decisions, so best keep an eye on the Helion website.

Better still, register your interest in the book directly, & get a heads up when it arrives:


#publishing #newbooks #historybooks #danishwars #helion

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛ · @sean
1036 followers · 1046 posts · Server

Pulsed compression :

This is well worth watching, quite a bit more exciting than the recent successful experiment with confinement fusion net energy gain at the National Ignition Facility

is regularly producing fusion reactions now using temps of 100 million degrees. It's on a path to produce grid power directly from those fusion reactions without employing any heat exchangers or steam turbines.

Its technology can also produce the needed Helium-3 fusion fuel, making it a sustainable industry: It does this by producing Tritium, a valuable isotope which decays to Helium-3 within 12 years.

Helion has not yet reached net energy gain. But unlike other experimental fusion projects, it will immediately be able to start supplying electricity to the grid.

Helion's electricity-producing reactor is scheduled to be online by 2024.

#fusion #inertial #nif #helion

Last updated 2 years ago

Bartosz Leper · @bartosz
0 followers · 5 posts · Server

Although it's still an incredibly complex machine that pushes the boundaries of engineering, its mode of operation is staggeringly simple: this is a nuclear fusion equivalent of a piston engine that generates electricity directly from the fusion, cutting the need for heat transfer and turbines. (It trades them for an entire warehouse of capacitors that power those million-amp coils, but who cares?)

I'd invest in them all the money I don't have.

#helion #nuclearfusion

Last updated 2 years ago

Bartosz Leper · @bartosz
0 followers · 8 posts · Server

Although it's still an incredibly complex machine that pushes the boundaries of engineering, its mode of operation is staggeringly simple: this is a nuclear fusion equivalent of a piston engine that generates electricity directly from the fusion, cutting the need for heat transfer and turbines. (It trades them for an entire warehouse of capacitors that power those million-amp coils, but who cares?)

I'd invest in them all the money I don't have.

#helion #nuclearfusion

Last updated 2 years ago

Gus · @gus
292 followers · 404 posts · Server


Waves pulsing, pressing
Plasma compressing, heating
Fusion igniting

A haiku for today's ! This poem was inspired by all the buzz lately. made a video about the fusion startup & their method for creating a fusion reaction & capturing electricity using what is essentially an electromagnetic piston! Here's the video if anyone wants to learn more:

#helion #realengineering #fusion #scifiprompt #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

rob🎄 · @stokes
281 followers · 912 posts · Server

A New Way To Achieve Nuclear Fusion: Helion Energy

Helion's Trenta fusion generator is a completely novel approach to achieving nuclear fusion. Love that there are very different approaches emerging. (30-min watch)

#ClimateChange #cleanenergy #Environment #engineering #helion #Energy #fusion #nuclear #Science

Last updated 2 years ago

rob🎄 · @stokes
299 followers · 1009 posts · Server

A New Way To Achieve Nuclear Fusion: Helion Energy

Helion's Trenta fusion generator is a completely novel approach to achieving nuclear fusion. Love that there are very different approaches emerging. (30-min watch)

#chemistry #Physics #ClimateChange #cleanenergy #Environment #engineering #helion #Energy #fusion #nuclear #Science

Last updated 2 years ago