Neulich bei der #Helios Umschleimveranstaltung:
"Ja, die IT hier ist echt ein Problem. Man kann nicht mal einen USB-Stick am Computer anschließen."
Ich denke mir, da sind die weiter als 99% der deutschen Kliniken. Die IT-Security ist dort größtenteils echt gruselig. Zumal oft jede Fachdisziplin nochmal ihr eigenes Süppchen kocht.
Generell hat man den Eindruck, dass die ihren Laden ziemlich gut im Griff haben. Nicht nur was IT angeht. [Let’s Play] Scarlet Nexus – Eps 13 – Platinum Hunter Series [end] #antimage #bandai #bocil #Brando #ekoju #GamerIndonesia #GemaShow #H-elios #Helios #jessnolimit #JonathanLiandi #maxhill #RpgAndChill #SCARLETNEXUS #ScarletNexusMusic #TaraArt #windah #WindahBasudara
#antimage #bandai #bocil #brando #ekoju #gamerindonesia #gemashow #h #helios #jessnolimit #jonathanliandi #maxhill #rpgandchill #scarletnexus #scarletnexusmusic #taraart #windah #windahbasudara
@drewdevault if it helps at all...
I've been using Rust for @ 5yrs, but have started seeing flaws. Pointing them out got me the pitchfork and torches routine on HN and
At the same time, I've been exploring simpler tools. I've gotten reacquainted with C, and I'm loving it. And I'm also loving Hare. You made a lot of really smart tradeoffs in it's design. In fact I'm idling in the #hare and #helios IRC channels most days just out of curiosity.
I appreciate what you're building.
Schluss mit Abmahnungen, Mobbing und fristlosen Kündigungen von aktiven Kolleg:innen in den Kliniken - #UnionBusting am #Helios Klinikum #Dachau stoppen!
[Let’s Play] Scarlet Nexus – Eps2 – Platinum Hunter Series
#antimage #BANDAI #bocil #Brando #ekoju #gamerindonesia #gemashow #H-elios #Helios #jessnolimit #jonathanliandi #maxhill #Rpgandchill #SCARLETNEXUS #scarletnexusmusic #taraart #Windah #windahbasudara
#antimage #bandai #bocil #brando #ekoju #gamerindonesia #gemashow #h #helios #jessnolimit #jonathanliandi #maxhill #rpgandchill #scarletnexus #scarletnexusmusic #taraart #windah #windahbasudara
Shot with the #Helios 44-2 58mm f/2
#helios #photography #vintagelens #excavator
In Greek mythology, #Phaethon was the son of #Helios, the sun #god. One day, Phaeton asked his father to drive the chariot of the sun of through the heavens for a single day. Like many a new teenage driver, Phaeton was unable to control the horses of the sun chariot (too much horsepower), which came too near the earth and began to scorch it. As a result, law enforcement (i.e. Zeus) hurled a thunderbolt at Phaethon, and cause him to crash his chariot into the river.
#sungod #sonnengott #helios #sol #aiart #aigenerated #stablediffusion #pagan
It's the Day of Helios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
Bronze head of the Sun God #Helios, with a stylised radiate crown and uraeus. The rays of the crown are like a cap of leaves.
🎨 Bronze head broken off a statuette, perhaps from Syria. Dated 2nd–3rd century CE. Today at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
#sunday #helios #dayofhelios #greekromanart
#Helios takes the young god #Apollon on a ride in his Sun Wagon in hopes of seducing the beautiful son of Zeus...
#PrideMonth #mlm #gay #erotica #GayErotica @smutstodon #mythology #GreekMytholoy @mythology #LGBTQ @lgbtqbookstodon #Apollo
#helios #apollon #pridemonth #mlm #gay #erotica #gayerotica #mythology #greekmytholoy #lgbtq #apollo
It's the Day of Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛
Meet this stunning pyxis depicting the day and night alternation: #Selene, the Moon, sets with her winged chariot and #Helios, the Sun, arises with his.
🏛️ Pyxis (jar) with a modern red-figure vase painting depicting Selene and Helios:
#DayOfSelene #Selene #MoonMonday #GreekRomanArt #ancientRome @antiquidons @histodons @mythology @archaeodons
#monday #selene #helios #dayofselene #moonmonday #greekromanart #ancientrome
It's the Day of Helios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
Boreas and Helios had a contest: whoever could strip a traveller of his clothes would win.
"Boreas blew with all his might, but the traveller only wrapped his cloak around him more tightly. Helios shone with all his warmth. The traveller took off one garment after another, and at last bathed in a stream naked."
Aesop, Fables
🎨 #Helios mosaic, Archaeological Museum of Sparta
#sunday #helios #dayofhelios #mosaicmonday
HELIOS Rising Heroes ラジオ マンデーナイトヒーロー「Sing in the darkness」完結記念生配信
#darkness完結記念生配信 #HELIOS #HEROES #Rising #Vlog #voiceactor #エリオスR #エリオスライジングヒーローズ #マンデーナイトヒーローSing #マンナイ #ラジオ #ランズベリー・アーサー #中島ヨシキ #堀江瞬 #声優 #小林裕介 #田丸篤志 #男性声優 #鈴木崚汰
#darkness完結記念生配信 #helios #heroes #rising #vlog #voiceactor #エリオスR #エリオスライジングヒーローズ #マンデーナイトヒーローsing #マンナイ #ラジオ #ランズベリー・アーサー #中島ヨシキ #堀江瞬 #声優 #小林裕介 #田丸篤志 #男性声優 #鈴木崚汰
It's the Day of Helios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
But if one may guess where there is nothing to go by, #Poseidon 6 Helios might have been rivals. And maybe #Helios was vexed at the boy travelling about in the sea and wished that he should travel among the constellations instead.
Aelian, On Animals 14. 28
🎨 Helios & #Nerites by Sinita for the story "Milk Sea", a retelling of Aelian's fable:
#sunday #poseidon #helios #nerites #dayofhelios #indieart
So pointing the helios at bright lights can make it flare *quite* a lot. The spiralling "black hole" was something else, wish I could get the effect on video - another day maybe.
#photography #vintagelens #helios #lensflare #rainbow
Octagonal Flares and a Rainbow
Care of...
📷 Helios 44-3 2/58mm
I have some more dramatic examples which I'll put up later. It was fun to watch the flaring through the viewfinder - producing a spiralling pattern of flare and colour. And although I tried to record that effect on video, it was simply too dark.
#photography #LongExposure #VintageLens #helios #reflection #LensFlare #starburst #rainbow
#photography #longexposure #vintagelens #helios #reflection #lensflare #starburst #rainbow
Die widerliche Seite des Marktes! Insbesondere der private Klinikbetreiber #Helios als Unternehmen der Fresenius AG kämpft mit allen Mitteln, um die Gewinne zu maximieren und Personalkosten zu minimieren.
Die Erlöse müssen stimmen. Der Aktienkurs bestimmt das Handeln. Die Dividenden werden fließen.
Accidental test of the Helios 44-2 sharpness at f2-2.8. I cropped the soft edges and resized for mastodon. In the original, the tyre at left shows the tread detail, and the red brick pier under the boatshed renders clearly. The trees are soft/blurred where the wind blew.
📷 Helios 44-2 (Belomo) 2/58mm + polariser + nd1000 filter
#photography #vintagelens #helios #longexposure