Spaceflight 🚀 · @spaceflight
1595 followers · 1416 posts · Server

found that 75% of the heading our way from 🌌 get filtered out in the ’s outer reaches. If the encounter with the next cloud squeezes the heliosphere all the way down to ’s , life forms would be exposed to an intense environment that would riddle 🧬 with mutations. There’s evidence of such an event around the time early were just beginning to pick up stone tools

#voyager #cosmicrays #interstellarspace #heliosphere #earth #orbit #radiation #dna #hominids #deepspace #research

Last updated 1 year ago

"Voyager 2 and its twin Voyager 1 are the only spacecraft ever to operate outside the heliosphere, the protective bubble of particles and magnetic fields generated by the Sun. The probes are helping scientists answer questions about the shape of the heliosphere and its role in protecting Earth from the energetic particles and other radiation found in the interstellar environment."

#nasa #voyager #science #innovation #heliosphere #sun

Last updated 2 years ago

Glenn thanks so much for this. As a kangaroo carer in outback Australia I frequently find cause to look at how far the two Voyagers are from us thanks to the JPL website.

For bored Millennials who find this and suggest tl:dr, maybe it would be good to give folks a few pointers on the brilliance of the mission/s.

Things like those science instruments are being talked to from here and are responding from there to here. Billions of miles away. How long does the communication take to travel end to end and how big are the packets of data that tell the scientists what is happening to the birds and what they are finding as they travel?

Things like the computers driving the process measure their grunt in kilobytes not petabytes. What were they? 64k from memory?

And the opportunity when confronted by a gen z youngster about our old age knowledge, to share that people in the 70s were sending signals between planets and rocks and all the other hard and soft pieces making up the universe and the solar system, before the word internet has been coined.

Thank you for your post.

#voyager1 #voyager2 #stem #space #discovery #science #heliosphere

Last updated 2 years ago

elektra · @elektra
41 followers · 234 posts · Server

At if anyone wants to say hello.


Last updated 2 years ago

Louis Marmet · @redshiftdrift
88 followers · 351 posts · Server

"NASA's Voyager will do more science with new power strategy"

#voyager2 #heliosphere

Last updated 2 years ago

PlasmaNerd · @PlasmaNerd
204 followers · 269 posts · Server

New Year, New Paper!

A system science perspective of the drivers of equatorial plasma bubbles

#heliosphere #SpacePhysics #spaceweather #ionosphere

Last updated 2 years ago

· @TheBeastOfBaglan
277 followers · 5827 posts · Server