ஒவ்வொரு மாவட்டங்களிலும் ஹெலிகாப்டர் இறங்குதளம் அமைக்க முடிவு! மத்தியஅமைச்சர் ஜோதிராதித்ய சிந்தியா
https://patrikai.com/helipads-to-be-built-in-every-district-for-providing-quick-help-in-incidents-like-chopper-crash-union-minister-jyotiraditya-scindia/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Helipad #district #Highway #helicopter @JM_Scindia@twitter.com
#helicopter #Highway #district #helipad
#helipad Pushed a preliminary "streams" mode and visibility into the actual amount sent vs original amount (requested by @cameron):
Looks like this:
This might change. Just a first shot at exposing the streaming, per minute payments.
#helipad Submitted v0.1.10 to Umbrel app store:
#helipad Small new release of Helipad if anyone wants to test:
This should finally fix the CSV export wonkiness and also adds two new app logos.
#helipad Testing a bugfix release of Helipad with @brianoflondon's app icon in it also.
#Helipad - Here is the Umbrel docker file for testing v0.1.9:
#Helipad - Updated the v0.1.9 release after finding a potentially bad escaping issue in the csv export. Also updates to the docs by @coldacid and I.
Will have the Umbrel
#Helipad v0.1.9 release:
This should be the final release. If anyone sees a show stopper bug please report it. Building the Umbrel app now and will post the hash here for testing.
For those testing #helipad on an Umbrel, here is the latest docker image:
Should be able to have the final v0.1.9 release out this weekend and submitted to Umbrel App Store.
#Helipad v0.1.9-rc5 available:
Some style issues were bugging me with small screens like phones. Will push a new docker for Umbrel tonight.
Version 0.1.9 has a database schema update in it. Should be painless as it just adds a new table. But, something to keep an eye on. For Umbrel it won't be an issue since updating blows the database.db away anyway. But, if you're running it from source keep eyes open.
#helipad Ok, v0.1.9-rc3 is a quick bugfix release:
Sorry about that. Docker incoming to test on Umbrel.
#helipad Ok, the first fun stuff here is a regular boost/boostagram. The second animation is just a silent "streaming sats" payment with no pew-pew. It also slightly animates the wallet balance background at the top of the page.
#helipad I'm losing the emoji's in the CSV export. I'm assuming it's because it's plain ascii instead of utf-8. Hmm.
New #helipad release is tagged:
I'll be creating the docker image and testing it on my Umbrel this afternoon.
Found a json tlv parsing condition where Fountain was failing to register boostagrams in #helipad. Got that fixed. Seems my deserializer was expecting null fields to just not be present in the tlv. But, Fountain sends them anyway, with Null as the value. Fixed that.
#helipad Hmm. Hit a snag. Need to pass a configuration object around to the dbif module. Overlooked that last night.
#helipad Ok, config file is working now. Just going to give it a once over in the morning with non-tired eyes.