Hello les (neo)vimistes ou les autres développeurs intrigués par les éditeurs modaux.
Sur Paris le 20 septembre aura lieu un #TupperVim. Toutes les infos sont sur https://tuppervim.org/ mais en résumé: Mercredi 20 septembre de 19h30 à 22h dans les locaux de cashbee au 4 rue Thorel et inscription sur https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/95Cf7yZ4QahFl8wN6b24
Pour les curieux, voir ça comme un apéro autour de l'éditeur.
C'est super sympa, ça fait progresser et/ou rencontrer des gens !
#tuppervim #vim #nvim #neovim #helix #kakoune #emacs
Waiting for the next release with excitement :ablobattention:
Thank you Pascal Kuthe and all the contributors :blobcatrainbow:
#helix #HelixEditor #nucleo
It would be great if #HelixEditor had something like ThePrimeagen harpoon plug-in. It has alternate file/buffer already so it would be great if that was extended to do at least 4 files/buffers. Harpoon is probably the one thing I'm missing the most from my neovim config
Was wondering the whole time why my #helix language config wasn't working. At some point, I had almost resigned myself to the fact that it was only broken on my end.
Then I just noticed, I mistyped the filename. I accidentally named the file “language.toml” instead of “languages.toml”… — I'm so stupid :blobFacePalm:
Maybe a command like “:config-open” for the language config would also be useful, then I would have noticed the error earlier because then another file would have opened.
So I choose a Mastodon instance that is about economy ('cause I am a fuckin' brazillian with undergraduate degree on economics) but probably I am going to only talk about my boring life and my #it fixes on unpopular technologies like #nix, #helix, #linux and stuffs? Oh man...
Hi, hab hier mein Wohnzimmer-Mulit-Effektgerät, das ein neues Zuhause sucht.
Gekauft im November 2019 und seitdem im Wohnzimmer im Wesentlichen zum Üben verwendet.
Dementsprechend sind praktisch keine Gebrauchsspuren vorhanden und die OVP gibt's auch noch.
Preislich orientieren wir uns am Neupreis (z.B. Thomann) und berücksichtigen dann natürlich Alter und Benutzung.
Wichtig wäre, ob überhaupt Interesse besteht und bei realistischen Vorstellungen werden wir uns bestimmt einig.
Bei Interesse oder Fragen gern per DM melden.
#Line6 #Helix #HX #Stomp
#Musik #Effekt #Gitarre #Bass
#kleinanzeigen #flohmarkt #FediFlohmarkt
#FediFlohmarkt #flohmarkt #kleinanzeigen #bass #gitarre #effekt #musik #stomp #hx #helix #line6
Work in Progress! This is the beautiful Helix Nebula, sometimes referred to as the "Eye of God". This is the only planetary nebula I can reasonably capture with my widefield scope. It is very low in the night sky, rising to only 27 degrees above the horizon from my location but I was able to get almost 4 hours on it. I will add more time over the next month to bring out the finer details. Off to a great start!
#nebula #eye #helix #space #stars #astrophotography #rainbow #colorful
#nebula #eye #helix #space #stars #astrophotography #rainbow #colorful
The #rust ecosystem is getting bigger with the creation #nucleo from one of the very talented #helix developers.
A faster fuzzy matcher replacement compared to #fzf and #skim.
#rust #nucleo #helix #fzf #skim
The Apollo - Helix code editor theme is publicly available. Enjoy!
#terminal #console #helix #editor #CodeEditor #theme
When you don't have time to find a girlfriend, but you have time to make a sexy theme for the code editor in the console. nonsense
#console #terminal #helix #HelixEditor #CodeEditor #theme
i decided for fast code editing, #helix is the way to go. not only is it fast with large files, it's LSP and keybinds are reliable. its multi-cursor support is quite of wholesome to use too.
as for #emacs, i will just use it for Org mode. ☺️ since Org is more powerful than plain markdown. Yes, I juggle two editors now. sad...
Still having a hard time with the LSP config in #Helix on #ChromeOS. The `vscode-langservers-extracted` package is put into /usr/lib, and even when I add that to $PATH, Helix can't see it (checking with `hx --health css`).
My languages.toml file is bare bones, so it has to do with Helix not finding the LSP, I think, but not sure how to debug that.
This morning I’ve been writing a boot loader in #Transputer assembler, using #Helix. Going well so far - laptop fans have not kicked in once. Helix doesn’t understand MASM syntax, that’s OK. Oscillating between “Hey I remembered how to do <some vim action that’s baked into muscle memory>!” and u / :q
It’ll be a while before I’m flowing - but I feel something must change. #IntelliJ isn’t energy efficient: I can no longer put up with it taxing my laptop hard, when editing a simple asm file.
it's time for another small #Helix plugin update:
i've managed to fix two big issues i've been having: async context stuff (fixed by simply returning async-std stuff instead of Tokio stuff) and passing function points past the FFI boundary (i first sent a Box<FnOnce> but I changed it to *mut FnOnce, who knew the compiler warning meant something 😬)
i've been slowly reworking some of the code to make it easier to write your own plugins by making some macros!
Coming from Nvi to Vim to NeoVim, I really like the #Helix editor now. Go and Bash and Ruby and Perl programming works great. Puppet and Raku and notes taking (spell checking) need some more tweaking, still. I wonder how difficult it would be to write my own #treesitter grammar for #RakuLang and #Puppet, so I get syntax highlighting in Helix? Probably the best way is to try it out...
#helix #treesitter #rakulang #puppet
#helix test editor...why is there so much interesting software out there...qq