It was a year ago this week that I and three friends spent 10 magical days wandering through Greece. It was my first time in Europe, and a trip that I had wanted to make since the 5th grade (54 years of delayed gratification). We're going back again next month, and I cannot wait.

#greece #travel #hellenicpolytheism #archaeology #history

Last updated 1 year ago

Lamhfada · @Lamhfada
1538 followers · 5673 posts · Server

Dr Ellie Mackin Roberts is a Classicist /Greek Historian looking for modern Hellenic Polytheists who worship and for research on how modern polytheists approach texts from antiquity.

Survey for Hellenic Polytheists! – Dr Ellie Mackin Roberts

#hades #persephone #polytheism #classics #hellenicpolytheism #paganism

Last updated 1 year ago

Weekly offering to Ζαγρεου-Διονύσου.

#hellenicpolytheism #orphicmysteries

Last updated 1 year ago

I became the caretaker of this lovely painting ("Dionysus" by Linda Larson, 2020) three years ago.

#orphicmysteries #hellenicpolytheism

Last updated 1 year ago

Weekly offerings. Relax, it's pomegranate juice - the blood of Ζαγρεου, just as the wine is the blood of Διονύσου.

#orphicmysteries #hellenicpolytheism

Last updated 1 year ago

Erebos · @xaosistoria
18 followers · 10 posts · Server

Pine cones never cease to amaze me. They go through seemingly endless transformations, handling each of their many stages of change and growth with such grace. Truly an inspiration.

I saw this one yesterday when I went for . The sun highlighted it for me, a picture-perfect moment despite the strong wind! The snow we got is finally melting away. It feels like spring is just around the corner with how everything's starting to thaw. It's been a strange, heavy winter this time around. Sometimes we need help seeing and pivoting our attention accordingly.

The colours almost remind me of a mango. Bright and shining. 🥭

As for the needles, I made jelly with them, adding in tangerine 🍊 jam for their immune boosting effects. Aside from The Virus, there's a lot of flus and other such nasties going about, and while we still mask, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

I place great trust in my . Continuing the way my have been practicing it is such a blessing. It's what inspired me to start creating content online in the first place, wanting to share the joy and love I have for my culture and to help foreigners approach and respectfully and in an educated manner.

I also wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who take a moment to interact with my posts here! It's encouraging me to share more.

(Cross-post from Instagram)

#foraging #pineneedles #pine #homemade #plantmedicine #herbalism #ancestors #hellenicpolytheism #greekculture

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / 🌩️

It's the in two days, the anniversary of Zeus and Hera's wedding. The Attic month of Gamelion was the Athenian "marriage month", similar to June being most popular for ancient Roman weddings due to its association with the goddess Juno.
I hope has a beautiful annversary gift for his wife.

@mythology @antiquidons @histodons

#thorsday #theogamia #zeus #DayOfZeus #hera #greekmythology #mythology #hellenicpolytheism

Last updated 2 years ago

Codex ☯️♈☮ · @CodexArcanum
188 followers · 2952 posts · Server

@mythology @antiquidons @pagan

I had just read Circe by Madeline Miller last year so I actually knew quite a few of these! Great book! And a wonderful (and thorough) article from you too!

#greekgods #hellenicpolytheism #mythology #greekmythology #paganism #ancientGreekreligion

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server
khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
932 followers · 1120 posts · Server

A couple days ago, I made a post about how I know of at least 4 Orphic-inspired polytheists/pagans on Mastodon, and how cool it is that there are so many of us here vs other social media sites.

But I'd love to have an accurate head count!

So, if your spiritual/religious practice is currently inspired by the Orphic Mysteries, please leave a comment! Maybe we could even get one of those guppe groups going!

#Orphic #orphicmysteries #orphicpagan #orphicpolytheism #Pagan #paganism #polytheism #religion #occult #hellenicpolytheism

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

It's the here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇

Yesterday was the start of the , a festival dedicated to the god Lênaios that celebrated both his release from Zeus's thigh and his emergence from the Underworld. Its official name was "Dionysia at the Lenaion", a theatre and sanctuary in , where the festival dramas, both tragic and comic, were staged.

@mythology @antiquidons

#DayOfDionysos #lenaia #dionysos #athens #mythology #greekmythology #greekromanart #greekgods #hellenicpolytheism

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹

Marble votive relief showing with her devotees.
Dated to 4th century BCE.

What would you ask of the Goddess of Love?

@mythology @antiquidons @histodons

#aphrodite #DayOfAphrodite #mythology #greekmythology #greekmyth #myth #mythodon #greekgods #greekromanart #hellenicpolytheism #hellenicpaganism

Last updated 2 years ago

🧿 Meleagros 🧿 · @hesiodic
75 followers · 15 posts · Server

Teleios and Teleia are that are made perfect in their . Their surnames quite literally translate to mean "having reached its end, finished, complete, perfect, entire, fulfilled" (LSJ).

says of Zeus: "Lastly, he made Hera his blooming wife: and she was joined in love with the king of gods and men, and brought forth and and " (Theogony, 921). She is His FINAL wife; a goddess chosen specially by Zeus to help him govern the cosmos.

In their "The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse," scholars Gabriella Pironti and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge describe the will of Zeus as being identical to that of Hera. This truth is exemplified in the —Hera, who is lobbying for a victory at , steers Zeus's mind when she feels he is acting in ways that contradict his will.

In the introduction to Richmond Lattimore's translation of the Iliad, it is mentioned how early in the Epic Cycle, Zeus decided the winners of the war centuries before it even took place. Despite this, he favors the Trojans over the Greeks because of their unwavering piety. He additionally considers saving his son—Sarpedon—from dying on the battlefield, but Hera reminds him that in doing so, the rest of the deathless gods would have free reign to save their children, too.

Hera frequently challenges Zeus in this way. And describes these interactions as being explosive, with Zeus often threatening violence which sends Hera fleeing. Regardless of this, though, he eventually succumbs to her wishes, knowing full well that Her will is His, and the pair reconcile.

Gabriella Pironti and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge posit that the constant back-and-forth between the two divine sovereigns—Their endless falling apart and coming back together—serves as a cycle of renewal that balances the cosmos in perpetuity.

🌬🪶 🌬🪶

#Zeus #hera #gods #marriage #hesiod #hebe #ares #eileithyia #book #iliad #greek #troy #trojan #homer #ancientGreekreligion #hellenicpagan #hellenicpaganism #hellenicpolytheism #hellenicpolytheist

Last updated 2 years ago

Today is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere: the ☀️
Humans all over the world have festivals around the time of the to bring some light and happiness into the dark gloom of .

I wrote about a few of them here:

#wintersolstice #midwinter #solstice #winter #pagan #religioromana #hellenicpolytheism #hellenicpaganism #humancondition #polytheism #culture #tradition

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

Today is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere: the ☀️
Humans all over the world have festivals around the time of the to bring some light and happiness into the dark gloom of .

I wrote about a few of them here:

#wintersolstice #midwinter #solstice #winter #pagan #religioromana #hellenicpolytheism #hellenicpaganism #humancondition #polytheism #culture #tradition

Last updated 2 years ago

Sea · @astrolosea
42 followers · 38 posts · Server

Im looking for more Apollo devotees to follow, or anyone who worships Apollo regularly. Any of the other Theo devotees are welcome as well! I'm trying to create a very Greco-Roman space to live in digital (:

#hellenicpolytheism #GreekPolytheism #hellenism #Hellenist #hellenic #apollon #apollo

Last updated 2 years ago

It is the first day of and I'm gonna try my first on 😳

The last day of Saturnalia (23 December) is the one where gifts are exchanged so Tykhe (Lady Luck) is gonna choose who wins a copy of any of my stories, winner's choice, on 23 December.

To enter, reply with your favourite holiday from 🎊

@antiquidons @histodons

#saturnalia #giveaway #mastodon #antiquity #mythology #egyptianmythology #greekmythology #greekmyth #histodons #antiquidon #norsemythology #hellenicpolytheism #ancientrome

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

It is the first day of and I'm gonna try my first on 😳

The last day of Saturnalia (23 December) is the one where gifts are exchanged so Tykhe (Lady Luck) is gonna choose who wins a copy of any of my stories, winner's choice, on 23 December.

To enter, reply with your favourite holiday from 🎊

@antiquidons @histodons

#saturnalia #giveaway #mastodon #antiquity #mythology #egyptianmythology #greekmythology #greekmyth #histodons #antiquidon #norsemythology #hellenicpolytheism #ancientrome

Last updated 2 years ago

🧿 Meleagros 🧿 · @hesiodic
74 followers · 14 posts · Server

“Τῳ Διί ὓπάτῳ,” or “To Zeus the Highest.”

I commissioned an artisan to make this Archaic–style temple key some months back; in ’s day, priestly officials used these same keys to open sacred precincts, just as ’s priestess Theano does in the (6.297 – 301). (:

🪞🌬 ⚖️🪶

#Zeus #hellenicpolytheist #hellenicpolytheism #hellenicpaganism #hellenicpagan #ancientGreekreligion #iliad #athena #homer

Last updated 2 years ago