Only 12 hymns left out of 87
تبقى 12 ترنيمة من أصل 87
my work so far is here:
#Orphic #hymn #hymns #translation #progress #Arabic #hellenism
#hellenism #arabic #progress #translation #hymns #hymn #Orphic
I had an uncle named Demetrei.
Raised catholic, lived as atheist then became orthodox.
And he actually was named after a Greek goddess.
#names #religion #greek #greekgoddess #greekmythology #hellenism #christianity #orthodox #catholic #atheist
ترنيمة إلى أفروديتي من تأليف الشاعرة الإغريقية صافو
تعلمين المكان: إذاً
اتركي كريت وتعالي إلينا
ننتظر حيث الأيكة
الجذابة بجوار الحمى
المقدسة لك؛ دخان
البخور على المذبح، نسائم
باردة تهب من بين
غصائن التفاح، أجمة ورود
صغيرة تظلل الأرض
والأوراق المهتزة تسكب
نوماً عميقاً؛ في المروج
حيث ترعرت الخيول أنيقة
بين أزهار الربيع، الشبت
يعبق الهواء. ملكة! قبرصية!
إملئي أكوابنا الذهبية بالحب
ممزوجاً نكتاراً صفياً
#Sappho #hymn #Aphrodite #translation #greek #poetry #arabic #hellenism #pagan #paganism
#paganism #pagan #hellenism #arabic #poetry #greek #translation #aphrodite #hymn #sappho
I hope they don't ruin it. #odyssey #hellenism
The Nabateans had a temple in Italy dedicated to the Arabian god Dhushara Dusares ذو الشرى, now underwater
#arab #arabs #italy #pozzuli #pagan #temple #dhushara #dusares #nabatean #nabateans #nabatea #hellenism #roman #archaeology #history #culture #ArabianPaganism #arabian #underwater #sunken #religion #ReligioRomana #NabateanKingdom
#NabateanKingdom #religioromana #religion #sunken #underwater #arabian #arabianpaganism #culture #history #archaeology #roman #hellenism #Nabatea #nabateans #Nabatean #dusares #dhushara #temple #pagan #pozzuli #italy #arabs #arab
My latest blog post. #Delphi #greece #archaeology #hellenism #travel
#delphi #greece #archaeology #hellenism #travel
My latest blog post is now up.
#greece #archaeology #mythology #hellenism
#greece #archaeology #mythology #hellenism
My latest blog post. Part 1 of the Delphi Museum.
#archaeology #greece #travel #hellenism
#archaeology #greece #travel #hellenism
I think my translation of Orphic hymn to Aphrodite to Arabic is my best poetic work so far, yet it barely qualifies to be a poem in Arabic :\
I shared it before and I'm sharing it here. Translation is more than 500 characters and so a thread is born 🧵
#Hellenism #Hellenist #pagan #paganism #translation #Orphic #hymn #Arabic #Aphrodite #goddess
#goddess #aphrodite #arabic #hymn #Orphic #translation #paganism #pagan #Hellenist #hellenism
Ptolemy Apion
(Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum, circa 125 BCE)
#art #Roman #Empire #Romans #king #bust #sculpture #portrait #hellenism #hair #antiquity
#art #roman #empire #romans #king #bust #sculpture #portrait #hellenism #hair #antiquity
Give me that old time religion:
Contemporary worshippers of the Hellenic pantheon taking part in the ancient Dionysian phallic procession ritual around the Acropolis of Athens - carrying an effigy of Dionysos and a giant phallic idol (which was erected at various points) and worshipped with prayer, music, and dance.
(I didn’t mark the image as sensitive because the phallos isn’t distinguishable as such from this angle)
#dodecatheism #dionysos #priapos #hellenism
Images (or "On Statues") by Porphyry of Tyre
#neoplatonism #paganism #greekgods #mythology #greekreligion #platonism #ancienthistory #hellenism #pagan #porphyry
#porphyry #pagan #hellenism #ancienthistory #platonism #greekreligion #mythology #GreekGods #paganism #neoplatonism
الموقرة پالاس مونوجينيا، أنت الوحيدة التي حملها زيوس العظيم بنفسه،
إلهة نبيلة ومباركة، محاربة شجاعة تهوى الوغى،
لا يمكن وصفكِ (تفوقين الوصف) إلا أنكِ بديهية، رائعة، تسكنين الغِيران،
تندفعين عبر التلال المرتفعة و الضلعان،
و الجبال الظليلة و يطيب قلبك بالوديان.
تهوين الأسلاحة يا من تدفعين بنفوس الناس إلى الجنون؛
شابة رياضية (ذات بدن رياضي). ذات عنفوان رهيب،
#arabic #Andeel #hymn #translation #hellenism
#orphic #athena #pagan
#pagan #athena #Orphic #hellenism #translation #hymn #andeel #arabic
أنادي المحبوبة هيكاتي إنوديا (ذات مفترق الطرقات) تريوديتيس (المعبودة عند التقاء ثلاثة مسارات)؛
في السماء والأرض والبحر، أنت مُبجَّلة يا من تحتلين الزعفران.
روح القبر، تحتفلين مع أرواح من انتقلوا.
إبنة پيرسيس، تهوين الأماكن المهجورة، مبتهجة بالغزلان.
إلهة الليل، حارسة الكلاب، مفترسة الوحوش، الملكة التي لا تقهر.
تجر الثيران عربتك (أو راعية الثيران)، أنت الملكة التي تحمل مفاتيح الكون.
#arabic #Andeel #hymn #translation #hellenism
#orphic #hekate #pagan
#pagan #hekate #Orphic #hellenism #translation #hymn #andeel #arabic
at this point, the greek gods have to be like TOTALLY INTO the sort of fanfictiony, modernized, yassified version of themselves that we've created, right?
like im constantly seeing modern hellenist pagans on tiktok making little memes of their gods that seem like a superficial interpretation of their personas in the myths, with little to do of their historical worship
and we could have a debate about how appropriate this is but i dont see hellenist pagans being struck down by divine intervention? they often seem to have relationships with the gods that seem compatible with their sort of blasé attitude. idk its just something i noticed
#hellenisticpaganism #hellenism #paganism #pagan
I referenced a statue in St. Petersburg to paint this silly image of Hestia. She is so lovely, Hestia. #hellenism
Im impressed with how this came out, I was playing with layering watercolors.
A reconstruction of a sculpture of a seated Minerva, part of the Capituline Triad. There was a temple to the Triad in Capitolias (Καπιτωλιας), a heavily Hellenized Nabataean city
#nabatean #jordan #arab #arabs #nabatea #archaeology #sculpture #statue #reconstruction #history #religion #culture #hellenism #hellenismos #polytheism #minerva #goddess #civilization #arabianpaganism #pagan #Andeel #arabian
#Nabatean #jordan #arab #arabs #Nabatea #archaeology #sculpture #statue #reconstruction #history #religion #culture #hellenism #hellenismos #polytheism #minerva #goddess #civilization #arabianpaganism #pagan #andeel #arabian
🥀 Worshipping Lady #Persephone 🌷
Persephone (#Kore) is the Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld, Wife of #Hades, and Daughter of #Demeter.. and she is still SO much more than that!
I’ve created this thread for myself and in the hopes that it may be helpful to someone else wishing to learn, study, and worship Lady Persephone. 💕
🖤💗 So you want to bring more of Our Lady Persephone's qualities into your life..?
First, recognize that everything you do to nurture your own sensual enjoyment of life will help enlarge the influence of Persephone within most of your personal life! She wants you to remember to stay close to your inner child and to remember who you really are at your core.
💕 Easy Ways to Worship as a #PersephoneDevotee -- I - X
🖤🥀 I • Start by slowing down!
Like Our Lady Persephone herself, take time to stop and smell the flowers! Make it a point to watch a #Sunrise or #Sunset on occasion, even if it means losing a few extra minutes of sleep. She wants you to experience the world with a great big 'WOW' more often!! Allow yourself to soak in #Positive energies whenever you’re able to reach them, there's so much more in life to #Enjoy than you’d think.
💗🌷 II • Persephone blossomed from a naive and innocent young #Child; into a self-confident #Queen almost overnight!
Find a picture of yourself as a young child, place it in a lovely frame, and set it out where you can see it and admire how #Vulnerable and innocent you were then. (I chose a picture on the railroad tracks, back when I still lived in the 'Grafton House' (one of my three childhood homes) Everything felt so much simpler back then, everything felt like… I had so many options open ahead of me, it's crazy to look back and see that now!)
🖤🥀 III • Take time to think about your #Past:
• What were the things you did that felt #Heroic..?
• What once caused you #Embarrassment or #Pain..?
#Write these down and review them frequently and allow yourself to release any #Negative thoughts that you formed against yourself. You may not have felt heroic, but you’ve #Learned so much from the past, and you’ve saved more people than you’d think. Embarrassment, like pain, only lasts so long. You have to remember to be #Kinder to yourself.
💗🌷 IV • Persephone, as Queen of the #Underworld, was known as a #Gracious and welcoming hostess.
Practice really giving your full attention to someone else; listening to them with both your #Heart and an #OpenMind. May it be your child, your partner, or your friend; show them your #Love! I’ve been trying to practice more than I preach, I want people to feel like they can reach out to me and that I’ll be here to listen whenever they actually need me.
🖤🥀 V • Find an open weekend, and leave all your adult responsibilities behind for just a day or two; now it's time to #PLAY!
Don't worry what other people will think, call it a #MentalHealth weekend if it makes you feel better, but whatever you do, just allow yourself to exist! It’s about time we had time with just ourselves, we need to remember how to vibe alone in our own #Energy even occasionally.
💗🌷 VI • Move toward letting go of Old #Resentments.
If you cannot forgive, at least accept with understanding! Let go of the hate for someone who you feel betrayed your #Youthful innocence by forcing you to assume #Adult responsibility before you were ready (Such as my relationship with my bio mother)
🖤🥀 VII • Check that your #Passions and #Attention aren't being divided.
Sometimes you need to channel your energy into fewer and more #Rewarding directions. Visualize what you want to happen and repeat it until your positive thoughts become a #Habit and your #Intentions a reality!
💗🌷 VIII • Work on trusting that it is #Safe to express your feelings even if it means risking hurt.
Let others know how you feel about them, even if it's not something good. Often they too may be looking for someone's blatant #Honesty! Remember, the truest of friends are the honest ones.
🖤🥀 IX • Stay #Young, #Wild, and #Free!
Pick fresh flowers, go to parks, play on swings, and do silly things like whistling while you work. Focus on developing a free #Spirit and enjoy the spontaneous #Pleasures that are so freely available in this life if you know where to look!
💗🖤 X • Surround yourself with Persephone's symbols.
Share her youthful energy by carrying her favorite crystals, dress in her colors, or spray the scents of lavender and vanilla on all your linens. #Embrace Persephone in everything you do to encourage her energies around you!
#Hellenism #Witchcraft #OurLadyPersephone #Goddess #SelfCare #Pagan
#Persephone #kore #hades #demeter #persephonedevotee #sunrise #sunset #positive #enjoy #child #queen #vulnerable #past #heroic #embarrassment #pain #write #negative #learned #kinder #Underworld #gracious #heart #openmind #love #play #mentalhealth #energy #resentments #youthful #adult #passions #attention #rewarding #habit #intentions #safe #honesty #young #wild #free #spirit #pleasures #embrace #hellenism #witchcraft #ourladypersephone #goddess #selfcare #Pagan
#Hellenistic influences on ancient #Nabatean #tombs in #Hegra #SaudiArabia
A gorgon head with snakes on the facade above the tomb’s entrance
#pagan #hellenism #polytheism #arab #saudiarabia #hegra #tombs #Nabatean #Hellenistic