Wednesday night is #hellletloose night!
I've heard that the recent major patch was terrible after the development team switched. I fear what the game could become.
Really interesting vid looking at the realities behind the MGs recently added to #HellLetLoose.
If they add a #VickersMG you'll have to do some gameplay videos Rich.
Original tweet :
Hell let loose the Crusader Kings to Leap in case you aren't Starving Together!
Free Play Days - Hell Let Loose, Leap, Crusader Kings III, and Don’t Starve Together - Xbox Wire
#HellLetLoose #CrusaderKings3 #Leap #DontStarveTogether #Xbox #FreePlayDays #Microsoft #GamingNews
#hellletloose #crusaderkings3 #leap #dontstarvetogether #xbox #freeplaydays #microsoft #gamingnews
Hell Let Loose Coming to the Steam Deck This Year:
#linux #linuxgaming #update #hardware #gaming #steamplay #steamdeck #hellletloose #eac
#linux #linuxgaming #update #hardware #gaming #steamplay #SteamDeck #hellletloose #eac
Hell Let Loose Coming to the Steam Deck in 2023:
#linux #linuxgaming #update #gaming #steamdeck #steam #hellletloose #ww2shooter
#linux #linuxgaming #update #gaming #SteamDeck #steam #hellletloose #ww2shooter
Why do I run into a million tanks when I play rifleman but when I try out anti-tank I see none?
Our squad has been trying to take this bunker for like 5 minutes. Nice of everyone else to finally show up.
I can only hope they were doing something else important while we kept the bunker distracted.
Look, I may not have every #hellletloose achievement but I do have both the death by flamethrower and killed by your own grenade badges so I'd say I'm set
The random nature of #hellletloose matches leads to some puzzling situations. Last night, the American side was pushing *towards* Omaha Beach from inland France. And the Germans were trying to stop them - from presumably getting on the boats and going home?
The random nature of #hellletloose matches leads to some puzzling situations. Last night, the American side was pushing *towards* Omaha Beach from inland France. And the Germans were trying to stop them - from presumably going home?
I used to play FPS online in my younger days (COD4, the first MW2) but have largely given it up until recently picking up Hell Let Loose and Battlefield 1. Though it's very difficult, I think I prefer the hardcore realism of HLL. And yes, I am still awful at it
#hellletloose #Battlefield1
Hell let loose
W 6 dni wbiłem 18 godzin i już pobiłem rekord śmierci, z jakiejkolwiek innej gry. 😂
Gra z cyklu:
Respisz się i nagle spada na ciebie pocisk artylerii. Biegniesz przez pole... giniesz.
Bierzesz zimowy strój na letnią mapę... giniesz.
Czyli w skrócie Red Orchestra na silniku UE4.
Coś pięknego.
#hellletloose #hll #game #gaming